- For character biography, see Nefarian.
- For strategy on the Blackwing Lair encounter, see Nefarian (tactics).
Nefarian is the last boss of Blackwing Descent, a raid shipped with World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. He can be found in the Vault of the Shadowflame, where he resurrects his sister Onyxia, who makes up the first phase of the fight. Throughout the fight, Nefarian has several other undead adds as well.
Nefarian was the last boss of the entry tier of Cataclysm to be killed on normal mode, in part due to a respawn bug. The world first kill came on 13 December 2010, almost a week after the expansion's release. It was completed on 10-person mode by the Russian guild Exorsus. The world first heroic kill was on 10 January 2011 by Paragon (25 person).
Throughout the entire encounter every 10% of Nefarian's health will cause Nefarian's lightning machine to strike the raid with Electrocute.
Nefarian's Lightning Machine
[Electrocute]ω ϖ—Generates a massive bolt of lightning that strikes the ground, inflicting 103950 to 106050 Nature damage on all enemy targets.
Phase One[]

Undead Onyxia is the first part of the encounter. She awaits players following the intro.
Onyxia - 6.6 million (10-man) / 24 million (25 man) HP
[Electric Discharge]ω ϖ—When the lightning orbs on Onyxia's sides are glowing inflicts 19500 to 20500 Nature damage per second to enemies on Onyxia's sides. Damage increased by Onyxia's lightning charge level. Can be avoided by line of sight behind the pillars in the room.
[Shadowflame Breath]ω ϖ—Inflicts 35,000 Shadowflame damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster every 0.5 seconds for 1.5 seconds. Also resurrects Animated Bone Warriors in the area of effect.
[Cleave]ω ϖ—Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies.
[Tail Lash]ω ϖ—A sweeping tail strike hits all enemies behind the caster, inflicting 15750 to 20250 damage and stunning them for 2 sec.
[Children of Deathwing]ω ϖ—Nefarian and Onyxia attack 100% faster when they are within 60 yards of eachother. ONYXIA IMPORTANT INFO All melee attack or HP is reduced by 20% Accordind to Patch 4.2 Firelands
[Hail of Bones]ω ϖ—Nefarian will cast this six times in phase one before landing, each time spawning an Animated Bone Warrior and doing 23987 to 26512 Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
[Cleave]ω ϖ—Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies.
[Shadowflame Breath]ω ϖ—Inflicts 54,000 Shadowflame damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster every 0.5 seconds for 1.5 seconds. Also resurrects Animated Bone Warriors in the area of effect.
[Tail Lash]ω ϖ—A sweeping tail strike hits all enemies behind the caster, inflicting 15750 to 20250 damage and stunning them for 2 sec.
[Children of Deathwing]ω ϖ—Nefarian and Onyxia attack 100% faster when they are within 60 yards of eachother. Nefarian IMPORTANT INFO All melee attack or HP is reduced by 20% Accordind to Patch 4.2 Firelands
Animated Bone Warrior
- Have an energy bar that slowly depletes over time. It will be reset to full if they are touched by shadowflame effects. While they have far too much HP and are too numerous to be killed, they will 'lie down' and despawn if they run out of energy. Their damage increases steadily while melee-ing, so they should be kited. They can also be feared and crowd controlled.
[Animate Bones]ω ϖ—Shadowflame energy animates these bones, taking 2 energy per second.
[Empowering Strikes]ω ϖ—Melee and Ranged attacks empower the caster, increasing all damage dealt by 100% and movement speed by 10%. Stacks infinitely. IMPORTANT INFO All melee attack or HP is reduced by 20% Accordind to Patch 4.2 Firelands and Fewer warrs and they will disapear faster"""
Phase Two[]
Nefarian in the air
[Magma]ω ϖ—Swimming in Magma deals 5,000 fire damage per second. Increases damage taken from Magma by 2000. Stacks.
[Shadowflame Barrage]ω ϖ—Spammed on the raid the whole of phase 2. Inflicts 22500 to 27500 Shadowflame damage to an enemy.
[Shadow of Cowardice]ω ϖ—Inflicts 30000 Shadowflame damage to an enemy and increases Shadow damage taken by 100%. Appears to only be used when trying to exploit the encounter.
Chromatic Prototype
- Will stand in place and constantly try to cast Blast Nova, which can be interrupted. 2.3M/7.2M HP. Does not melee. (Cast Time increased 4.2)
[Blast Nova]ω ϖ—Deals 30050 to 40950 Fire damage to all enemies every 2 seconds for 30 seconds. Interruptable.
Phase Three[]
[Cleave]ω ϖ—Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies.
[Shadowflame Breath]ω ϖ—Inflicts 54,000 Shadowflame damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster every 0.5 seconds for 1.5 seconds. Also ressurects Animated Bone Warriors in the area of effect.
[Tail Lash]ω ϖ—A sweeping tail strike hits all enemies behind the caster, inflicting 15750 to 20250 damage and stunning them for 2 sec. Tail Lash damage has been reduced by 50% so 7500 to 10250 (Stun 1,5 sec) 4.2
[Shadowblaze Spark]ω ϖ—Creates a shadowy blaze at a nearby location that spreads quickly. It will expand from its starting location in a circular shape and will follow players and speed up if it is touched.
[Shadowblaze]ω ϖ—Inflicts 50,000 Shadowflame damage per second to enemies within the Shadowblaze. Also ressurects Animated Bone Warriors in the area of effect. Breaks crowd control effects and roots on Animated Bone Warriors in the area of effect.
Heroic Mode Only
[Dominion]ω ϖ—Dominate the minds of 2/5 nearby humanoids, seizing control of their bodies for 20 sec. Immune to stuns and roots. Dominated players will walk towards Dominion portals which will spawn nearby, killing them instantly when they touch them. If you survive the dominion your next ability will deal 2000% more damage.
Animated Bone Warrior
- Same as Phase One.
Phase One[]
The encounter begins with an introductory event in which Nefarian (as Lord Victor Nefarius) resurrects Onyxia. He then turns into his dragon form and flies into the air, landing 30 seconds into the fight. Before Nefarian lands he will spawn 6/12 (10/25-man) Animated Bone Warriors which can be either kited, CC'd or tanked until they run out of energy and die on their own in this phase. But, they cannot be feared. Onyxia and Nefarian should be tanked on opposite sides of the room to remove their 100% haste buff Children of Deathwing. Onyxia should be damaged down to low health but not killed. This will give you some time to burn Nefarian's health down before the last phase. Onyxia will eventually hit full energy and instantly kill the raid, and every 10% of Nefarian's health adds 25% to her energy charge. You will generally have time to burn Nefarian down to sub-80% before killing Onyxia and ending the phase. Do not let either Dragon breathe on the Animated Bone Warriors as this will break CC, snares and roots and reset their energy to full.
Phase Two[]
The arena will fill with lava and three Chromatic Prototypes will spawn on each raised pillar of the room. They do not melee. They cast Blast Nova which must be interrupted.
Assign players to each of the three platforms for phase two. Each platform needs one reliable interrupt for 10-man and two reliable interrupts for 25-man (you will need interrupt rotations on 25). A ranged interrupter is helpful in the beginning of the phase on each platform while everyone is jumping up. It is important to spread out around the edge of the platforms in phase 2 as splash damage from Shadowflame Barrage will cause deaths. You should try to damage Nefarian below 70% in this phase, survival cooldowns should be used to mitigate the electrocute at 70%. The phase will end after the Chromatic Prototypes die or after three minutes.
TIP: Jumping onto the Pillar platform
If you are having trouble jumping onto the pillar, during the transition into Phase 2, position yourself just a few yards from the pillar. As the lava rises, hold down spacebar (or your assigned jump key) until you are leveled with the top of the platform, then press "W+Space" (forward+jump).
Phase Three[]
The lava will subside and Nefarian will land, stay spread out until Nefarian has stopped casting Shadowflame Barrage.
Phase Three is like phase one except Nefarian will now cast Shadowblaze Spark, it will always be targetted on the location of the Animated Bone Warriors. It will break CC, snares and roots on the Animated Bone Warriors and reset their energy to full just as the dragons' breath does.
Since Shadowblaze Spark is always targetted on the Bone Warriors, CC and roots are ineffective. You should have a tank kite the Bone Warriors away from Nefarian and continually move to avoid the Animated Bone Warriors ever regaining energy. They will die after 50 seconds and reset their empowering strikes stacks, this will allow the Bone Warrior tank to survive. Both tanks will need to use a survival cooldown to survive Electrocute every 10% of Nefarian's health.
The longer Nefarian takes to die the faster he will cast Shadowblaze Spark, until it is impossible to avoid and the raid dies.
- Enter Blackwing Descent on normal difficulty
- Welcome to my personal sanctum, heroes! I hope you find the accommodations to your liking. Herein you will find many of my failed experiments and ultimately my greatest triumph!
- Enter Blackwing Descent on Heroic difficulty
- Mortals that fancy themselves HEROES have entered the Broken Hall. Oh, I do hope this "raid" will amuse me more than the last.
- Intro
- Ha ha ha ha ha! The heroes have made it to the glorious finale. I take it you are in good spirits? Prepared for the final battle? Then gaze now upon my ultimate creation! RISE, SISTER!
- Behold the brood mother, Onyxia, REBORN! Perhaps my finest work.
- My dearest sibling, do you hunger? THEN FEAST UPON OUR ENEMIES!
- Phase 1
- See how the shadowflame animates their bones! They fight at my command!
- Phase 2
- Curse you, mortals! Such a callous disregard for one's possessions must be met with extreme force!
- I hope you can swim... in molten lava!
- Phase 3
- I have tried to be an accommodating host, but you simply will not die! Time to throw all pretense aside and just... KILL YOU ALL!
- Shadowflame
- Flesh turns to ash!
- Killing a player
- It has been a pleasure!
- You really have to want it!
- HAH!
- Death
- Defeat has never tasted so bitter...
Related achievements[]
Blackwing Descent (achievement) /
Blackwing Descent Guild Run
Heroic: Nefarian /
Heroic: Nefarian Guild Run
Keeping it in the Family
Realm First! Nefarian
Defender of a Shattered World
10-man Heroic[]
10-man Normal[]
25-Man Normal[]
25-man Heroic[]
Patch changes[]
- Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Hotfix (2011-02-11): Nefarian's Blazing Inferno damage and knockdown radius has been reduced to match the spell effect graphic.
- Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Hotfix (2011-01-05): "Anti-Magic Shell no longer stops Onyxia or Nefarian's Shadowflame Breath from being cast."
- Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.
Nefarians HP and DMG reduced with 20%
A portion or version of this article copied from Wowpedia on 12-Jan-2011. See list of authors.
External links[]
- Guides