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Nether Sorceress can be found in Desolace.



BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level School
Frost Nova Frost Nova 20 Frost
Frostbolt Frostbolt 20 Frost
Lash of Pain Lash of Pain 20 Shadow


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Source Slot Drop%
Nether Wing [Nether Wing] 1 Drop Quest 38.2
Silk Cloth [Silk Cloth] 30 Drop Cloth 29.5
Mageweave Cloth [Mageweave Cloth] 40 Drop, Quest, Vendor Cloth 0.0
Delicious Cave Mold [Delicious Cave Mold] 25 Drop, Vendor Food or Drink 4.9
Sweet Nectar [Sweet Nectar] 25 Drop, Vendor Food or Drink 2.5
Greater Healing Potion [Greater Healing Potion] 21 Crafted, Drop, Vendor Potions 1.4
Augural Shroud [Augural Shroud] 34 Drop Head (Cloth) 0.9
Mana Potion [Mana Potion] 22 Crafted, Drop, Vendor Potions 0.1
Scroll of Agility II [Scroll of Agility II] 25 Drop, Vendor Scrolls 0.3
Scroll of Protection III [Scroll of Protection III] 30 Drop, Vendor Scrolls 0.3
Stone Club [Stone Club] 35 Drop One-handed Mace 0.2
Keen Axe [Keen Axe] 33 Drop One-Handed Axe 0.2
Broad Claymore [Broad Claymore] 29 Drop Two-Handed Sword 0.2
Taut Compound Bow [Taut Compound Bow] 26 Drop Bows 0.1

0.00% Chance of a epic drop.
0.02% Chance of a rare drop.
0.96% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.12% Chance of a common drop.
0.42% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created.

External links[]
