- Netherweave Bag
- Item Level 63
- Binds when equipped
- 16 Slot Bag
- Sell Price: 5

An open Netherweave Bag
A Netherweave Bag is a 16-slot bag made from Netherweave Cloth.
This item is crafted by Tailors with a skill level of 315.
- Ingredients
4x [Bolt of Netherweave] | 1x [Rune Thread] |
- Raw Ingredients
20x [Netherweave Cloth] | 1x [Rune Thread] |
The skill requires 315 Tailoring and is taught by Dalinna <Grand Master Tailor> in Thrallmar, and Hama <Grand Master Tailor> in Honor Hold. Both are located in Hellfire Peninsula.