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Inv misc gem pearl 092020
  • Northsea Pearl
  • Item Level 75
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Sell Price: 50s


The Northsea Pearl is sold by the Ahlurglgr <Clam Vendor> in Borean Tundra for 30 [Winterfin Clam]. It also has a small chance to be contained in [Darkwater Clams]. It can sometimes also be found in [Bag of Fishing Treasures].

Northsea Pearl as an ingredient[]

Jewelcrafting recipes using Northsea Pearls
Skill Item Ingredients Tools Source
360 Inv misc gem pearl 10 [Enchanted Pearl] 1 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl], 1 Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust] Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Kit] Trainer
420 Inv jewelry ring 38 [Ring of Northern Tears] 2 Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]s, 1 Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water], 4 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl]s Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Kit] Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Northern Tears]
Tailoring recipes using Northsea Pearls
Skill Item Ingredients Tools Source
390 Inv misc cape 16 [Cloak of the Moon] 7 Inv fabric frostweave bolt [Bolt of Frostweave], 1 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl] None Trainer
395 Inv misc cape 16 [Cloak of Frozen Spirits] 8 Inv fabric frostweave bolt [Bolt of Frostweave], 1 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl] None Trainer
405 Inv shoulder 02 [Mystic Frostwoven Shoulders] 7 Inv fabric frostweave bolt [Bolt of Frostweave], 4 Inv misc thread 01 [Eternium Thread], 1 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl] None Trainer
410 Inv chest cloth 19 [Mystic Frostwoven Robe] 8 Inv fabric frostweave bolt [Bolt of Frostweave], 4 Inv misc thread 01 [Eternium Thread], 1 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl] None Trainer
415 Inv bracer 11 [Mystic Frostwoven Wristwraps] 5 Inv fabric frostweave bolt [Bolt of Frostweave], 4 Inv misc thread 01 [Eternium Thread], 2 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl] None Trainer

External links[]
