Oglethorpe's Homing Robots is not so much a chain of quests, as a series of prerequisites enabling a concluding quest.
In each of 3 zones, an OOX homing robot (which looks like a robotic chicken) has been lost, and needs rescuing.
By hunting in each of these zones (for Tanaris, also in Zul'Farrak), you will eventually run across the corresponding homing beacon. Each homing beacon offers a quest to find the corresponding homing robot. Once you have found the robot, you are offered a quest to rescue it.
These rescues involve following the robot to a point where it can take off on its own:
- In Feralas, you follow the robot from inside the cave in Feral Scar Vale to the dock along the Forgotten Coast.
- In the Hinterlands, you follow the robot from just northeast of Agol'watha to the shore beyond the Overlook Cliffs.
- In Tanaris, you follow it from just east of the Gaping Chasm to just south of the Caverns of Time.
Each time, the robot will be attacked twice or three times by groups of 3 or 4 (depending on the particular ambush) mobs. Also, the robot will attract the attention of any wandering mobs along the way.
Complete all 3 escort and beacon missions, and Oglethorpe Obnoticus will reward you with a scale model of the OOX robot... With the combat and homing mechanisms disabled, of course. Wouldn't want it pecking someone's eye out...
Feralas: [OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon]
[48] Find OOX-22/FE!
[48] Rescue OOX-22/FE!
The Hinterlands: [OOX-09/HL Distress Beacon]
[48] Find OOX-09/HL!
[48] Rescue OOX-09/HL!
Tanaris: [OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon]
[48] Find OOX-17/TN!
[48] Rescue OOX-17/TN!
Complete all three of the above, and Oglethorpe Obnoticus offers you [50] An OOX of Your Own.