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Alliance Refinery


Horde Refinery

Refinery redirects here. Were you looking for the Refinery of Isle of Conquest?

Oil refineries are buildings that process the oil collected from oil platforms.

The briefing of "The Destruction of Stratholme" states that Stratholme was the chief source of Alliance oil in the north during the second war, and had several oil refineries and oil platforms.

Alliance Oil Refinery[]

These large steel-shod buildings are designed to refine raw oil for use in the construction and maintenance of the Alliance fleets as well as the creation of unconventional war machines. Like the Shipyard, a Refinery is built along the coastline so that Tankers can deliver their cargo directly to its doors. A Refinery allows oil to be processed with far greater efficiency, increasing the amount of usable oil garnered from every load of crude.[1] (W2Man )

Horde Oil Refinery[]

The Oil Refinery uses the large, arching pipelines on either side of the main structure to pump oil from the Tankers into its processing holds. Built on the rim of the sea, Refineries are constantly threatened by attacks from waterborne vessels. As a Refinery allows oil to be processed much more efficiently, the sight of warships deployed for the defense of these structures is a common one.[1] (W2Man )

  1. ^ a b W2Man,