- Oily Blackmouth
- Item Level 15
- Sell Price: 4
- Vendor 15
Oily Blackmouth is obtained by fishing and is a component in Blackmouth Oil (made with Alchemy). Fishing for Oily Blackmouth requires (third tier) fishing skill-level of 55 (or 150 to ensure a catch) . Oily Blackmouth can be fished straight from the water or also from an Oily Blackmouth School.
Oily Blackmouth as an ingredient[]
Farming Locations[]
- Alliance
- The docks at Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.
- The docks at Booty Bay and along the southeast shore of Stranglethorn Vale.
- The western coast of mainland Feralas.
- The northeastern coast of Tanaris near Steamwheedle Port.
- The coast of Darkshore.
- The coast of Westfall, look for schools.
- The docks and coastal shoreline of Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills.
- The small lake South West of Blood Watch on Bloodmyst Isle.
- The dock to Auberdine in Stormwind Harbor.
- Horde
- The docks around Ratchet in the Barrens. Can get with fishing level 10 and shiny bauble.
- The coastline at Zoram'Gar in Ashenvale.
- The coastline of Silverpine Forest.
- The docks at Booty Bay south of Stranglethorn Vale.