Parhelion Plaza is an area inside Sunwell Plateau, it is the first zone of Sunwell Plateau and is where groups of dangerous sun-empowered mobs are found.
Trash mobs[]
- Volatile Fiend - Large fel imps that have a big aggro radius.
- Sunblade Arch Mage - A mage with standard magical abilities.
- Sunblade Cabalist - A warlock, can summon imps.
- Sunblade Dawn Priest - A holy priest, opposite the dusk priest.
- Sunblade Dragonhawk - A specially trained Dragonhawk.
- Sunblade Dusk Priest - A shadow priest, opposite the dawn priest.
- Sunblade Protector - Dangerous fel-golems, careful planning is needed around them.
- Sunblade Scout - Scouts the gardens of the plaza, if been alerted, will run and have a nearby group of mobs attack in addition to summoning a protector.
- Sunblade Slayer - Hunter, will melee if caught into close range.
- Sunblade Vindicator - Warriors, physically dangerous.