Patch 5.0.1[]
Blizzard has used the patch version 5.0.1 for the Beta, but it may not use that version for live release. The expectation will be for a pre-expansion world event release, but there is no sign of it yet on the PTR or anything but a passing mention of a Patch 4.4.[1] As of July 13th, 2012, a blue post clarifies the use of 5.0.3 for the systems patch.[2]
On the PTR[]
On July 3rd, 2012, a systems patch intended to precede the Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Mists of Pandaria release was announced to appear on the PTR, but will not be accessible to Beta tester accounts and no expansion content or zones will be accessible.[3] The first PTR Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. systems client was released on July 13th, 2012 and had the same build 15851 number as the Beta, but the patch version was changed to Patch 5.0.3.[4]
Build history[]
Build 15464 was available on the beta server on March 22, 2012.[5] Build 15508 was made available on March 29th, 2012.[6] Build 15544 was made available April 6th, 2012,[7][8][9] but there was an extended maintenance for the Beta realms most of the day.[10] Build 15589[11] was released late on April 11th, 2012[12] after beta server maintenance.[13]
Build 15640 was released late on April 24th, 2012 and [14][15] and build 15650 was released soon after on late April 27th, 2012.[16][17] Build 15657 was released on May 1st, 2012[18][19] and soon after, build 15662 was released.[20][21] Build 15668 was released on May 8th, 2012,[22][23] but the 64-bit client for Mac would not download. Build 15677 was released a couple of days later on May 10th, 2012,[24][25] but although the Mac 64-bit client now downloads, both 64-bit clients crash after character selection.[26]
Build 15689 was released later May 12th, 2012[27][28] and the 64-bit client is working again.[29] Blizzard took a minor break to release a little game called Diablo III and released build 15699 on May 18th, 2012.[30][31] Build 15726 was released on May 23rd, 2012.[32][33]
Beta changes[]
Nineteenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15851:
- ...
Eighteenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Wowhead News and MMO Champion about build 15799:
- ...
Seventeenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Wowhead News and MMO Champion about build 15781:
- ...
Sixteenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Wowhead News and MMO Champion about build 15762:
- ...
Fifteenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Wowhead News and MMO Champion about build 15752:
- ...
Fourteenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Wowhead News and MMO Champion about build 15739:
- ...
Thirteenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Wowhead News and MMO Champion about build 15726:
- New armor sets: Tier 14 druid and hunter plus warlock Challenge Mode.[32][33]
- New achievements.[32]
- New companions: little cloud serpents.[33]
- New glyphs.[32]
- New and updated maps: Dread Wastes and Terrace of Endless Spring.[33]
- New mount: Siberian tiger.[33]
- Profession changes:
Master of Pandaren Cooking now rewards the title <Master of the Ways>.[32][33]
- Spell changes.[32][33]
Twelfth closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15699:
- Armored druid moonkin form models.[30]
- New achievements and achievement changes.[30][31]
- New companions: [Chi-ji Kite], [Yu'lon Kite], and [Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling]
- New glyphs.[31]
- New items.
- New armor and weapons.[30][31]
- New profession items and recipes (mostly Engineering).[31]
- New crate items for storing Archaeology items.[30]
- New maps: Crypt of Forgotten Kings and Arena of Annihilation.[31]
- New mounts.[31]
- Spell changes.[30]
- New titles: <the Relic Hunter> and <the Undaunted>.[31]
Eleventh closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15689:
- Black Market Auction House gives players access to bid on items normally not sold by NPCs.[27]
- Likely ability to blacklist maps in PvP.[28]
- Armored druid bear form models.[27]
- Achievement changes.[27][28]
- New companions: [Aqua Strider], [Grinder], and [Hopling].[28]
- New glyphs.[27][28]
- New hunter pet abilities and types.[28]
- Pet types: Rest (Porcupines) and Surface Trot (Water Striders).[28]
- New items.[27]
- New Fishing quest items -- possibly for dailies or even a new tournament. [Flying Tiger Gourami], [Mimic Octopus], and [Spinefish Alpha].
- New maps: Heart of Fear,[27] Mogu'Shan Vaults,[28] and new Scholomance.[27]
- New profession items and recipes.[28]
- New Engineering tinker: [Cloak Tinker: Goblin Glider]
- New Blacksmithing Shield Spike: [Ghost Iron Shield Spike]
- New Blacksmithing Weapon Chain: [Living Steel Weapon Chain]
- New Fishing chair: [Nat's Fishing Chair]
- New scenarios: A Brewing Storm and Big Beach Brew Bash.[28]
- Spell changes.[27]
- New title: <The Zookeeper>[28]
Tenth closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15677:
- Some data-mined game strings that hint at an item upgrade feature for currency (like valor points).[24][25][34]
- Arena armor sets for monk and priest.[24]
- Armored druid cat form models.[24][25]
- Achievement changes.[24][25]
- New glyphs.[25]
- Profession changes.
- Spell changes.[24][25]
- Two new titles: <name the Fearless> and <Tamer name>[25]
Ninth closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15668:
- Monk Tier 14 set.[22][23]
- New? Cloth armor set.[23]
- Achievement changes.[22][23]
- New glyphs.[23]
- A few new items.[22]
- New Pet Battle System items.[23]
- New Cooking recipe items.[23]
- Spell changes.[22]
- New scenarios.[23]
Eighth closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15662:
- New music - Heart of Pandaria.[20]
- New pandaren "kid" model.[20]
- New scenario Brewmoon Festival?[21]
- New maps for Mogu'Shan Palace, Siege of Niuzao Temple, and Temple of Endless Spring.[20]
- Achievement changes.[20][21]
- New items.
- Spell changes.[20][21]
Seventh closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion, Wowhead News, and WoW Insider about build 15657:
- Level cap raised to 88.[35][36]
- Mogu'Shan Palace and Shado-pan Monastery dungeons available.[35]
- New achievements.[18]
- Guild Level 25 and all the other achievements now go up to Guild Level 30.[18]
- New armor models.[19]
- New guild perks.[19]
- New items.[18]
- Profession changes.[19]
- New cooking recipes.[19]
- Leg Reinforcements now require level 75.[19]
- Spell changes.[18][19]
Sixth closed beta patch[]
As reported by MMO Champion and Wowhead News about build 15650:
- News stats PvP Power and PvP Resilience appear on some items.[16]
- New PvP sets and PvP item models.[16]
- New achievements.[16][17]
- New items.[17]
- New mounts.[17]
- New pets.[17]
- Spell changes.[16][17]
- New monk specialization and talent.[17]
- Cooking items and recipes.[17]
- New Leatherworking armor kits.[17]
Fifth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Blizzplanet and MMO Champion about build 15640:
- Create pre-made level 85 characters in-game via character creation screen UI.[15]
- Access Stormstout Brewery and Temple of the Jade Serpent from the Dungeon Finder UI.[15]
- Explore and quest in Krasarang Wilds.[15]
- Dread Wastes map available.[15]
- Tier 14 set bonus info available.[14]
- New armor set and creature models available.[14]
- Lots of new ability changes, achievements, and items.[14]
- Support for account wide achievements. When earning an achievement on another character, the icon changes and will tell you which character the achievement was earned on.[37]
- A new Mounts / Pets interface, including account-wide companion pets.[37]
- A new help system in the Spellbook, including a "Core Abilities" page that points the most important abilities of your spec.[37]
- A new way to create premade characters on beta realms.[37]
- A new loot win frame (basically just an announcement box).[37]
- New Pandaren subzones for Orgrimmar and Stormwind City.[37]
Fourth closed beta patch[]
As reported by Blizzplanet about build 15589:[12]
- Access to the Valley of the Four Winds zone.
- After talking to the Jade Serpent at the broken statue in the Jade Forest, she flies you to the Valley of the Four Winds where you meet … Chen Stormstout, who confirms he’s from the Wandering Isle, and doesn’t even know where to go within Pandaria. Chen asks you to tag along, and asks Pang Thunderfoot at the Pang’s Stead for a room.
- Fighting the turtles in the Valley of the Four Winds is causing the server crashes. Don’t even get anywhere near the lake until that’s fixed.
- Level cap was raised to level 87.
- Krasarang Wilds is currently off-limits. A debuff marks players who attempt to enter that zone and teleport you back to the starting zone in the Jade Forest.
Third beta patch[]
As reported by Blizzplanet about build 15544:[38]
- There is a known issue. Ultra and High settings might cause buildings and other textures be a massive flat pink cube. Changing the settings while in-game will cause a client crash.
- Acid Rain quest is currently bugged, and works in an out after a few attempts.
- All quests where players need to gather items from the ground such as herbs, berries, scrolls, maps, figurines, etc. are currently bugged. The items are not glittering nor seen.
Second closed beta patch[]
As reported by Blizzplanet about build 15508:[39]
- Players can only quest and explore the Jade Forest.
- Initial towns: Hellscream's Hope (Horde), Wayward Landing (Alliance), or Dawn's Blossom.
- Getting to Pandaria cutscenes for Alliance and Horde.
First closed beta patch[]
Build 15464:
- May have had problems running with some sound cards.[40]
- ^ chaud 2011-08-23. Gamescom Patch 4.3 Interviews, Blue Posts, Fan Art, Comics.
- ^
Kaivax 2012-07-03. Access to 5.0.3PTR and Mists of Pandaria Bet(a). Official Community > Mists of Pandaria forum (EU).
We will soon begin public testing of patch 5.0.3 of World of Warcraft, a patch that will precede the Mists of Pandaria release, and includes many features and functions that are new to the game. We encourage all players who wish to test patch 5.0.3 with us to take careful note of the following:- It will not be possible to access the 5.0.3 PTR realms with a game account that accesses the Mists of Pandaria Beta.
- If a game account has been flagged with a Mists of Pandaria Beta license, it can only be used to enter Beta realms.
- This limitation is on each World of Warcraft license, and is not account-based.
- While testing 5.0.3, players will not be able to access zones or content that is a part of the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
Edited by Nethaera on 7/13/12 1:29 PM (PDT) - ^
- ^ chaud 2012-07-13. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15851. MMO Champion.
- ^ Cropped screenshot of Mists Beta version
- ^ Medievaldragon 2012-03-29. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta Patch V5.0.1 Build 15508. Blizzplanet.
- ^ Medievaldragon 2012-04-07. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta Patch Build 15544. Blizzplanet.
- ^ ashelia 2012-04-06. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15544 - New Items, Icons, and Spell Changes. Wowhead News.
- ^ Boubouille 2012-04-06. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Beta Patch Build 15544. MMO Champion.
- ^
Lylirra 2012-04-06. Mists of Pandaria Beta Maintenance - 4/6/12. Official Mists of Pandaria Beta > Beta Feedback forum (US).
- ^ chaud 2012-04-11. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Patch 15589. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b Medievaldragon 2012-04-12. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta Patch 11 (Build 15589). Blizzplanet.
- ^
Sapperwix 2012-04-11. Beta Maintenance - 4/11/12. Official Mists of Pandaria Beta > Beta Feedback forum (US). The Beta realms are going to be down for maintenance at 10:30 am PST on 4/11/12. This thread will be updated once they are available again.
- ^ a b c d chaud 2012-04-24. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Patch 15640. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e Medievaldragon 2012-04-25. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta Patch (Build 15640). Blizzplanet.
- ^ a b c d e Boubouille 0201-04-27. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15650. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i perculia 2012-04-27. Mists of Pandaria Build 15650 and Pet Battle Preview. Wowhead News.
- ^ a b c d e Boubouille 2012-05-01. Mists of Pandaria - Beta Build 15657. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g Ashelia 2012-05-01. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15657 -. Wowhead News.
- ^ a b c d e f g chaud 2012-05-03. Mists of Pandaria - Beta Build 15662. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g h Ashelia 2012-05-03. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15662 - 3D Models, Spell Changes, and More. Wowhead News.
- ^ a b c d e chaud 2012-05-08. Mists of Pandaria - Beta Build 15668. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g h perculia 2012-05-08. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15662 - 3D Models, Spell Changes, and More. Wowhead News.
- ^ a b c d e f Boubouille 2012-05-10. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15677. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Ashelia 2012-05-10. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15677 - New Druid Cat Forms, Monk and Priest PvP Sets, and More. Wowhead News.
- ^
Sapperwix 2012-05-10. 64-bit Client Is Crashing in Build 15677. Official Mists of Pandaria Beta > Beta Feedback forum (US).
- ^ a b c d e f g h i chaud 2012-05-12. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15689. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Ashelia 2012-05-12. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15689 - Spell Changes, Items, Maps, and More. Wowhead News.
- ^
Sapperwix 2012-05-12. #1 - 64-bit Client Is Back Up!. Official Mists of Pandaria Beta > Beta Feedback forum (US).
- ^ a b c d e f chaud 2012-05-18. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15699. MMO Champion.
- ^ a b c d e f g h Ashelia 2012-05-18. Mists of Pandaria - Build 15699 - Spell Changes, Items, Icons, and More. Wowhead News.
- ^ a b c d e f perculia 2012-05-23. Mists of Pandaria Build 15726: Tier 14 Armor Sets, New Abilities, Spell Changes, and More. Wowhead News.
- ^ a b c d e f g chaud 2012-05-23. Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15726. MMO Champion.
- ^ Mathew McCurley 2012-05-10. Mists of Pandaria Beta: Item upgrade strings surface. WoW Insider.
- ^ a b Alex Ziebart 2012-05-01. Latest beta patch raises level cap, opens new dungeons. WoW Insider.
- ^
Sapperwix 2012-05-01. #55 - Beta Server Maintenance - 5/1/12. Official Mists of Pandaria Beta > Beta Feedback forum (US).
- ^ a b c d e f chaud 2012-04-27. UI Changes, The Veiled Stair, X-53 Rocket Retiring, Misc Changes, Blue Posts, Comic. MMO Champion.
- ^ Medievaldragon 2012-04-07. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta Patch Build 15544. Blizzplanet.
- ^ Medievaldragon 2012-03-29. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta Patch V5.0.1 Build 15508. Blizzplanet.
- ^
Jurannok 2012-03-28. #6 - No Monks..
See also[]
External links[]
- Launcher window
- News
