- Pattern: Blue Linen Robe
- Item Level 14
- Requires level 9
- [Blue Linen Robe]
- Requires [Bolt of Linen Cloth] x4, [Coarse Thread] x2, [Blue Dye] x2
- Sell Price: 75
- Vendor 3
Sold by[]
- Andrew Hilbert <Trade Supplies> in Silverpine Forest
- Drake Lindgren <General & Trade Supplies> in Elwynn Forest
- Elynna <Tailoring Supplies> in Darnassus
- Jazzik <General Supplies> in The Barrens
- Kil'hala <Tailoring Trainer> in The Barrens
- Ranik <Trade Supplies> in The Barrens
- Wrahk <Tailoring Supplies> in The Barrens