- Pattern: Red Linen Bag
- Item Level 14
- Requires Tailoring (70)
- Use: Teaches you how to sew a Red Linen Bag.
- [Red Linen Bag]
- Requires Bolt of Linen Cloth (4), Fine Thread (1), Red Dye (1)
- 1 Charges
- Sell Price: 50
- Vendor 2
This item can be purchased for 2 from:
- Rathis Tomber <Trade Supplies> in Ghostlands
- Andrew Hilbert <Trade Supplies> in Silverpine Forest
- Gina MacGregor <Trade Supplies> in Westfall
- Mahu <Leatherworking & Tailoring Supplies> in Mulgore
- Valdaron <Tailoring Supplies> in Darkshore
This item drops from: