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Purkom is a level 74 Warsong Offensive PvP rewards vendor located in Venture Bay in the contested territory of Grizzly Hills.

See Grizzly Hills NPCs.

Vendor information[]

Venture Coins are spent on different rewards in Venture Bay. You can only spend your rewards when your side (Horde or Alliance) owns the Lighthouse.

The following are available from either

Item Cost Item Type
Inv misc armorkit 22 [Goblin Repetition Reducer] 70 Venture Coin Trinket
Inv misc armorkit 22 [Arcane Revitalizer] 70 Venture Coin Trinket
Inv misc cape 10 [Thick Goblin Back Protector] 50 Venture Coin Back
Inv misc cape 06 [Venture Bay Buccaneer's Cape] 50 Venture Coin Back
Inv misc cape 20 [Oil-Stained Tarp] 50 Venture Coin Back
Inv wand 18 [Venture Battle Wand] 30 Venture Coin Wand
Inv misc coin 10 [Sharpened Throwing Gizmo] 30 Venture Coin Thrown
Spell fire felfire [Venture Co. Lightning Rod] 30 Venture Coin Totem
Spell fire burnout [Venture Co. Flame Slicer] 30 Venture Coin Totem
Spell shaman earthlivingweapon [Totem of the Bay] 30 Venture Coin Totem
Inv misc root 02 [Idol of Arcane Terror] 30 Venture Coin Idol
Ability druid demoralizingroar [Idol of Perspicacious Attacks] 30 Venture Coin Idol
Ability druid treeoflife [Idol of Pure Thoughts] 30 Venture Coin Idol
Inv misc stonetablet 04 [Venture Co. Libram of Mostly Holy Deeds] 30 Venture Coin Libram
Inv misc book 07 [Venture Co. Libram of Protection] 30 Venture Coin Libram
Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Venture Co. Libram of Retribution] 30 Venture Coin Libram
Inv shield 56 [Sigil of Arthritic Binding] 30 Venture Coin Sigil
Inv shield 56 [Sigil of the Frozen Conscience] 30 Venture Coin Sigil
Inv shield 56 [Sigil of the Wild Buck] 30 Venture Coin Sigil

External links[]
