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Inv misc missilesmall purple
  • Purple Smoke Flare
  • Item Level 1
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Use: Throw a purple smoke flare at a specific location that lasts for 5 min.
  • 1 Charges
  • Cooldown: 5 sec

The Purple Smoke Flare item is a pyrotechnic device used primarily to mark a location by placing a purple smoke column object on the terrain.

Some uses that people have come up with:

  • marking locations for raids
  • smoke bomb the Flag Rooms in the Warsong Gulch battleground
  • props for floor shows and fashion shows



A Purple Smoke Flare

Purple Smoke Flares are crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 335.

Materials Required
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07
1x [Elemental Blasting Powder]
Inv fabric netherweave
1x [Netherweave Cloth]
Inv potion 02
1x [Purple Dye]

The [Schematic: Purple Smoke Flare] is a world drop, making it much rarer than the [Schematic: White Smoke Flare] and the [Schematic: Green Smoke Flare]. Thus the Purple Smoke Flare is rarer than the [White Smoke Flare] and the [Green Smoke Flare], because fewer engineers have the recipe, and unlike the other smoke flares, the Purple Smoke Flare cannot be purchased from a vendor. The Purple Smoke Flare schematic does not bind, and can be bought and sold at the Auction House.

The Purple Smoke Flare item does not bind, and can be also bought and sold at the Auction House.


The Smoke Flares are cheap recipes for increasing engineering skill from 335, however, the White Smoke Flare is the cheapest, lacking a dye, and the White Smoke Flare schematic is the most readily available.

Unlike the Hunter Flare ability, Smoke Flares do not influence stealth detection.

See also[]

External links[]
