Ethereals. And you thought Goblins were amoral!
Still, he's got Pax Shattrath protecting him, so it looks like we've got to do things the hard way...
This quest is part of The Terokkar Mana Bomb quest chain quest chain.
Retrieve 5 of Lathrai's Stolen Goods. Return them to Wind Trader Lathrai near the World's End Tavern in the Lower City section of Shattrath City.
Hmmm? A box you say? Or was it several? Do you know what material the box was constructed from?
And what was the name of this merchant? Empoor? Are you certain that he's one of the Broken? I don't do much business with their kind.
Perhaps my memory would be jogged if you were to do me a favor?
The Skithian arakkoa - primitive casters that they are - recently stole a huge shipment of my more exotic goods. I want it all back!
You can find Veil Skith just to the south of Shattrath City.
Hmm, is my memory improving?
Yes, indeed, I do believe that it's all getting clearer now.
And I think that your diligence in this matter deserves more than just the information that you seek.
Quest progression[]
You are first directed to Cenarion Thicket and Earthbinder Tavgren:
This is not a prerequisite.
- The quest line formally starts with both:
[63] Clues in the Thicket
[63] Strange Energy
[63] By Any Means Necessary
[63] Wind Trader Lathrai
[64] A Personal Favor
[64] Investigate Tuurem
[64] What Are These Things? or
[64] What Are These Things?
[64] Report to the Allerian Post or
[64] Report to Stonebreaker Camp
[64] Attack on Firewing Point or
[64] Attack on Firewing Point
[65] The Final Code or
[65] The Final Code
[63] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know or
[63] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know