Speak to Apothecary Renzithen in Tranquillien.
The battle against the Scourge is not one without casualties. Many are slain every day yet many more meet a worse fate.
It is not uncommon for the Scourge to take prisoners. Death would be preferable to what awaits them in Deatholme. They're interrogated and tortured while under the effects of horrible will-breaking poisons.
Apothecary Renzithen in Tranquillien has developed a remedy; go to him and retrieve this restorative draught.
Janeda's sending you to rescue the Deatholme prisoners? She must think very highly of you, <name>.
- 390 XP
- 250 reputation with Tranquillien
This Quest is available after you finished the Quest [20] War on Deatholme
Quest Progression[]
[20] A Restorative Draught
[20] Captives at Deatholme