Use the Spirit Totem on the corpses of 6 Slain Crew Members
- Slain Crew Member information x6
Provided item: [Spirit Totem]
Something's wrong here, <name>.
The ship's crew has been slain. Yet there is no bloodshed or damage to the ship's structure.
This was not the Horde's doing.
We will find the answers we seek by speaking to the spirits of the dead. They have not yet left this world.
Take this totem and place it near the corpses of the fallen. You will have a few seconds to listen to their last few thoughts.
Beware, however! There is no telling how the spirits of the dead will react to our prodding.
The spirits always have something to say to those who will listen.
We were bound to run into the Twilight's Hammer sooner or later, <name>. If they're behind this, it's quite likely that the World Pillar fragment is in their possession.
You will receive:
- 8
- 34900 XP
- 250 reputation with the Earthen Ring
You will also be able to choose one of the following:
[Incorporeal Sandals] | [Skyrend Bracers] | ||
[Totem-Caller Hood] |
- The slain crew members are on the upper deck.
- Slain Crew Member says: They poisoned our supplies... we had cultists onboard all along...
- Slain Crew Member says: Everyone started dropping like flies... everyone who ate the rations.
- Slain Crew Member says: They tricked us into ambushing the Horde gunship... but why?
- Slain Crew Member says: I heard them praying to their dark gods as everything went black... the Twilight's Hammer did this!
- Slain Crew Member says: Twilight scum! You did this to us!
Quest progression[]
[82] Hero's Call: Deepholm! /
[82] Warchief's Command: Deepholm! (optional)
[82] The Maelstrom
[82] Deepholm, Realm of Earth
- Complete all of:
[82] Gunship Down &
[82] Captain's Log
[82] Elemental Energy
[82] The Earth Claims All
[82] Diplomacy First
- Complete all of:
[82] All Our Friends Are Dead
[82] The Admiral's Cabin &
[82] Without a Captain or Crew
[82] Take No Prisoners /
[82] On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner
[82] Some Spraining to Do
[82] Return to the Temple of Earth
[82] Deathwing's Fall
- Side quest:
[82] Blood of the Earthwarder
- Side quest:
[82] Bleed the Bloodshaper
[82] Question the Slaves
[82] The Forgemaster's Log
[82] Silvermarsh Rendezvous
[82] Quicksilver Submersion
- Side chain:
[82] Twilight Research,
[82] Maziel's Revelation,
[82] Maziel's Ascendancy
- Side chain:
[82] The Twilight Overlook
[82] Big Game, Big Bait /
[82] To Catch a Dragon
[82] Testing the Trap
[82] Abyssion's Minions /
[82] Block the Gates
[82] The World Pillar Fragment
Patch history[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added