Arcanist Vandril wants you to collect 10 Arcane Fragments for him.
[Arcane Fragment] (10)
Arcane reavers are magical creations of brute strength. They are heavily armored and deliver stunning blows. You, however, can bypass their defenses and avoid their attacks. Your spellcraft is not without many advantages, <name>.
Travel to Dawnstar Spire and blast apart the arcane reavers. From their remains, collect the crystallized fragments of magical energy and return to me. Dawnstar Spire is found to the east, across the lake.
Didn't get too close to the brutes, I hope?
Such a waste, using magic to construct beings of physical strength. I always thought that's why we allied with the lesser races, after all.
You were good to destroy them so we can use what remains for a more suitable purpose.
- 1150 XP (or 7
at level 70)
Quest progression[]
[16] Arcane Reavers
[16] A Simple Robe