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Kill 10 Firewing Defenders, 10 Firewing Bloodwarders, and 10 Firewing Warlocks. Then report back to Lieutenant Meridian at the Allerian Post in Terokkar Forest.


We know that the blood elves of Firewing Point are working for Kael'thas and Illidan. And from what you've told me, clearly they are using the Broken of Tuurem as smuggling go-betweens for the creation of some horrible weapon.

Whatever they're up to out there, the most efficient thing that we can do right now is to thin out their numbers.

The Firewing blood elves need to be taken out! Head up to Firewing Point to the north and see to it.


You will receive 3g 10s.


That's a good start, but based on what you witnessed there in the courtyard, as well as intelligence that I've received, we have a far more pressing matter at hand!

Quest progression[]

You are first directed to Cenarion Thicket and Earthbinder Tavgren:

This is not a prerequisite.

  1. The quest line formally starts with both:
  2. N [63] By Any Means Necessary
  3. N [63] Wind Trader Lathrai
  4. N [64] A Personal Favor
  5. N [64] Investigate Tuurem
  6. A [64] What Are These Things? or H [64] What Are These Things?
  7. A [64] Report to the Allerian Post or H [64] Report to Stonebreaker Camp
  8. A [64] Attack on Firewing Point or H [64] Attack on Firewing Point
  9. A [65] The Final Code or H [65] The Final Code
  10. A [63] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know or H [63] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know