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This quest starts the Inv misc gem sapphire 03 [Blue Scepter Shard] fork of Inv hammer 25 [The Scepter of the Shifting Sands] quest chain to open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. Players must have completed The Charge of the Dragonflights (and thus have neutral or better reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu) before Spirit of Azuregos offers players the Inv letter 16 [Magical Ledger], which starts this quest.


Deliver Azuregos's Magical Ledger to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.


You cannot understand a single word on this ledger. You don't even know what language it is written in!


Ooooh! Magical pulsing thingy! For me?


<Narain eagerly examines the letter.>

Outstanding, <race>! What is it? I can't read a lick of Draconic.

The conversation with Azuregos[]

This is the gossip text before Azuregos hands you his ledger:

You seek the scepter shard charged to the protection of the Blue Flight?
<Azuregos appears to be smiling.>

GossipGossipIcon How did you know? I mean, yes... Yes I am looking for that shard. Do you have it?

Of course I do not have the shard. That would be asinine. I walk amongst savages in this cursed land! I cannot take five steps without some crazed orc or human trying to thrust a sharp stick into my hide. At any given time you could very well be speaking to my ghostly spirit.
Anyhow... I hid it.
Go on... ask me where.

GossipGossipIcon Alright. Where?

You are going to love this story, <race>. See, here is the thing. As soon as Malygos charged me with protecting the scepter shard, I knew I was in for an eternity of headache and pain.
All I want to do is study these magic rich shorelines and take in what artifacts might remain from the Sundering. You know, there was once a thriving Highborne civilization here! You don't have to tell me that there is going to be some solid magical items around here, <race>. I can smell it!

GossipGossipIcon By Bronzebeard's... um, beard! What are you talking about?

As I was saying, I held on to that scepter shard for a good five-hundred years and it was nothing but trouble. It attracted all kinds of attention - the wrong kind of attention. I want to be left alone to my studies not babysit some would be hero's ticket to glory. So... I gave it to the fish.

GossipGossipIcon Fish? You gave a piece of what could be the key to saving all life on Kalimdor to a fish?

Not just any fish, mortal. This fish was a minnow. A very special minnow.

GossipGossipIcon A minnow? The oceans are filled with minnows! There could be a hundred million million minnows out there!


GossipGossipIcon ...

Genius, I know... It will never be found; but, in case it is found, I gave the minnow some special powers.

GossipGossipIcon You put the piece on a minnow and placed the minnow somewhere in the waters of the sea between here and the Eastern Kingdoms? And this minnow has special powers?

Correct. You've been listening! This minnow is really quite a terrible creature to of my own creation. When I am relaxing I like to think of the unlucky fishermen who have run into this minnow and been devoured whole. I bet they were quite surprised!
<Azuregos laughs.>

GossipGossipIcon You're insane.

Genius is often misunderstood, <race>. Now, about the scepter shard... If you want that shard and do not wish to spend the next ten thousand years searching for it, you are going to have to listen very carefully.

GossipGossipIcon I'm all ears.

Two words: [Arcanite buoy].

GossipGossipIcon Come again.

Right then... You have to build an arcanite buoy and place it in the ocean. My minnow will be attracted to the magical emanations. When he gets near the buoy - BLAMMO! It will explode in a glorious pulse of arcane energy, revealing the minnow's true form. Also, you may or may not incur the wrath of Neptulon. A 50/50 chance I would say.

GossipGossipIcon Ok, let me get this straight. You put the scepter entrusted to your Flight by Anachronos on a minnow of your own making and now you expect me to build an... an arcanite buoy or something... to force your minnow out of hiding? AND potentially incur the wrath of an Elemental Lord? Did I miss anything? Perhaps I am to do this without any clothes on, during a solar eclipse, on a leap year?

If I did not know better I would think that you were mocking me, mortal; but yes, that is mostly correct. You may remain fully clothed.

GossipGossipIcon FINE! And how, dare I ask, am I supposed to acquire an arcanite buoy?

Take this ledger to an old acquaintance of mine in Tanaris. His name is Narain Soothfancy - terrible, terrible psychic but an amazing engineer! He should be able to make sense of it all.
No need to thank me, <name>. It's the least I could do.
Good day!

GossipGossipIcon But...

Azuregos says: I said GOOD DAY! (At this point the interaction-window with Azuregos will automatically be closed.)

If the player further interacts with Azuregos, he will ask:

Shouldn't you be saving the world?


  • Azuregos will only ask "shouldn't you be saving the world?" if the ledger is found in the player's inventory.
  • The ledger is automatically given to the player (appearing in the inventory) when Azuregos mentions it.
  • If the ledger is not present in the player's inventory, the conversation will begin all over again, giving the player a new ledger if the old one is lost.
  • The conversation will yield a new ledger even if the player has completed the quest it gives.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 XP (or 39s at level 70)

Quest progression[]

This is part of the Inv misc gem sapphire 03 [Blue Scepter Shard] fork of Inv hammer 25 [The Scepter of the Shifting Sands] quest chain:

  1. N [60] Azuregos's Magical Ledger
  2. N [60] Translating the Ledger
  3. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Factiongfx/faction_tip_link.json' not found. Maws
    1. N [60] The Good News and The Bad News
    2. N [60R] The Wrath of Neptulon

Patches and hotfixes[]

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Patch 1.9.0 (03-Jan-2006): Added

External links[]
