Speak with Har'koa at the Altar of Har'koa.
And now it is time for you to return to the leopard goddess. Somehow I sense that she has other plans for you.
Tell her that no matter what, we are eternal.
<The cat goddess howls in pain.>
My spirit cries out in grief at the loss of another friend. But fear not, he will return and his spirit will live on forever.
Quest progression[]
[76] Strange Mojo
[76] Precious Elemental Fluids
- Side quest:
[76] The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!
- Side quest:
[76] Mushroom Mixer
- Side quest:
[76] Gluttonous Lurkers
- Side quest:
[76] Too Much of a Good Thing
[77] To the Witch Doctor
[77] Breaking Through Jin'Alai
[77] To Speak With Har'koa
[77] But First My Offspring
[77] Spirit of Rhunok
[77] My Prophet, My Enemy
[77] An End to the Suffering
[77] Back to Har'koa
[77] I Sense a Disturbance
[77] Preparations for the Underworld
[77] Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess
[77] Setting the Stage
[77] Foundation for Revenge
[77] Hell Hath a Fury
[77] One Last Thing
[77] Blood of a Dead God
[77] You Reap What You Sow
[77] The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
- Side quest:
[77] Enchanted Tiki Warriors
- Side quest:
[77] Wooly Justice
- Side quest:
[77] Hexed Caches
- Side quest:
[77] Rampage
[77G3] The Gods Have Spoken
[78G3] Convocation at Zol'Heb
[78] Unfinished Business
[78D] Gal'darah Must Pay