Obtain the Twilight Orders from one of the Twilight Bloodshapers at Deathwing's Fall
[60.5, 58.9].
The Twilight's Hammer are wielding foul magic here, <name>. They animate and energize the remains of Deathwing's blood, so that instead of drying out and disappearing it thrives and becomes more abundant.
Take out one of the bloodshapers, see if they have any clues as to where we can find this "forgemaster".
("One of them might lead us to the Forgemaster.")
We must make haste if we're to rebuild the World Pillar, <name>.
They're keeping slaves here? We ought to free them regardless, but perhaps they might also aid us in finding the forgemaster.
("They're keeping slaves here?")
You will receive:
- 6
- 26200 XP
- 150 reputation with the Earthen Ring
Take out a Twilight Bloodshaper to loot the Twilight Orders and complete the quest. One can be found on the bridge in the middle of the lava field.
Quest progression[]
[82] Hero's Call: Deepholm! /
[82] Warchief's Command: Deepholm! (optional)
[82] The Maelstrom
[82] Deepholm, Realm of Earth
- Complete all of:
[82] Gunship Down &
[82] Captain's Log
[82] Elemental Energy
[82] The Earth Claims All
[82] Diplomacy First
- Complete all of:
[82] All Our Friends Are Dead
[82] The Admiral's Cabin &
[82] Without a Captain or Crew
[82] Take No Prisoners /
[82] On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner
[82] Some Spraining to Do
[82] Return to the Temple of Earth
[82] Deathwing's Fall
- Side quest:
[82] Blood of the Earthwarder
- Side quest:
[82] Bleed the Bloodshaper
[82] Question the Slaves
[82] The Forgemaster's Log
[82] Silvermarsh Rendezvous
[82] Quicksilver Submersion
- Side chain:
[82] Twilight Research,
[82] Maziel's Revelation,
[82] Maziel's Ascendancy
- Side chain:
[82] The Twilight Overlook
[82] Big Game, Big Bait /
[82] To Catch a Dragon
[82] Testing the Trap
[82] Abyssion's Minions /
[82] Block the Gates
[82] The World Pillar Fragment
Patch history[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added