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Recover Thel'zan's Phylactery from Icestorm and return it to High Commander Halford Wyrmbane at Wintergarde Keep.


Your frostwyrm is out there.

<Tyralion points west.>

And it's a big one!

When you're ready to fight, go speak to "Wyrmbait". He'll "fetch" her. Once Icestorm is close enough we'll chain her to the ground and finish her off! Hopefully, with your help, we'll be able to take her down and get you that phylactery.

Once you've got the phylactery, return to Wintergarde Keep and report to High Commander Halford Wyrmbane. He's been making preparations for the final showdown with Thel'zan.


You will be allowed to choose one of these rewards
Inv helmet 124
[Wastewind Headcover]
Inv chest leather 01
[Snowfall Reaver Breastplate]
Inv pants mail 11
[Anub'ar-Husk Leggings]
Inv helmet 106
[Stonepath Helm]

You will also receive: 15g 39s


Have you recovered Thel'zan's phylactery?


We've lost so many good soldiers to that bastard, Thel'zan. I wish I could be there to see you crush his phylactery in front him and end his existence.


Talk to "Wyrmbait" when ready. Stay back near the harpoon launchers and wait for Icestorm to get chained down, then nuke her from range. The friendly NPCs should help kill her. If that's not feasible, she can be attacked from melee range as well, but be warned that she will hit back. Consider using a cooldown or two to speed up the fight. Don't worry about tagging her, as she'll drop the phylactery on the ground. Loot it and head back to Wintergarde.

Quest progression[]

  1. A [73] Into Hostile Territory
  2. A [73] Steamtank Surprise
  3. A [73] Scattered To The Wind & A [73] Breaking Off A Piece
  4. A [73] The Chain Gun And You
  5. A [73] Plunderbeard Must Be Found!
  6. A [73] Plunderbeard's Journal
  7. A [73] Chasing Icestorm: The 7th Legion Front
  8. A [73] Chasing Icestorm: Thel'zan's Phylactery
  9. A [73] Finality
  10. A [73] An End And A Beginning
  11. A [73] To Fordragon Hold!
  12. A [74] Audience With The Dragon Queen
  13. N [74] Galakrond and the Scourge
  14. N [74] On Ruby Wings
  15. A [74] Return To Angrathar
    • (The following quests were removed; retained for posterity only.)
  16. A [74] Reborn From The Ashes
  17. A [74] Fate, Up Against Your Will
  18. A [74] A Royal Coup
  19. A [74] The Killing Time
  20. A [74] The Battle For The Undercity

External links[]
