Denalan's Earth is an Alliance only quest in Teldrassil, the night elf starting area. In this quest, players are sent by Syral Bladeleaf to bring a sample of rare earth to Denalan, a herbalist researcher who lives on the shores of Lake Al'Ameth.
Bring the package of Rare Earth to Denalan at Lake Al'Ameth.
- [Rare Earth] (provided)
Are you heading to the south? To Lake Al'Ameth? If so, then I have a task I might ask of you...
My colleague Denalan has a camp along the eastern end of the lake, where he is studying and experimenting on the plant life of Teldrassil. He requested a package of rare earths from Darnassus and it was late, only recently arriving here in Dolanaar.
Can you take the package to him?
You have something for me?
Ah, it's here! I have waited for this rare earth for quite some time. I hope it's still fresh...
Thank you for bringing it to me, <name>. You are a <race> who is generous with his time.
Quest collection[]
[56.1, 57.7]can be found just outside the northern building of Dolanaar. Speak with her to receive this quest.
Quest completion[]
[60.9, 68.4]is on the eastern shore of Lake Al'Ameth south of Dolanaar, near the dock and a small hill of earth. Speak with him to complete the quest.
Quest progression[]
- [5] Denalan's Earth
- Both of the following:
- [7] Timberling Sprouts
- [7] Timberling Seeds
- [7] Rellian Greenspyre
- [9] Tumors
- [9] Return to Denalan
- [9G] Oakenscowl
Completing the chain up to the [7] Timberling Seeds and [7] Timberling Sprouts quests opens up the following quests:
- [10] The Glowing Fruit
- [10] The Shimmering Frond
- [10] The Sprouted Fronds
- [12] The Moss-twined Heart
- [12] Planting the Heart