Discipline is part of The Sons of Hodir quest chain.
Mildred the Cruel at the Forlorn Mine wants you to use the [Disciplining Rod] on 6 Exhausted Vrykul.
- Exhausted Vrykul Disciplined (6)
Let's start you off with something straightforward. The male vrykul that work the mines for us do so against their will... purely out of fear of our blades.
Once in a while, one of them will lose their motivation. Find any uncooperative vrykul and put them in their place.
Take this disciplining rod. You'll want to inflict pain, not death. Well, most of the time anyway.
[Mildred's Cowl] | [Cured Proto-Drake Leggings] | ||
[Mildred's Grasp] | [Vrykul Training Helm] |
Is it done? I hope you didn't slay too many of the mongrels. We need the manpower.
Not bad for a new overseer. I've another task for you if you're feeling brave today.
Not all Exhausted Vrykul take kindly to getting whacked with the disciplining rod.
Quest progression[]
[79] They Took Our Men!
- Side quest:
[79] Equipment Recovery
- Side quest:
[79] Leave No Goblin Behind
[79] The Crone's Bargain
[79] Mildred the Cruel
[79] Discipline
[79] Examples to be Made
[79] A Certain Prisoner
[79] A Change of Scenery
[80] Is That Your Goblin?
[80] The Hyldsmeet
[80] Taking on All Challengers
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Defending Your Title
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] You'll Need a Bear
[80] Going Bearback
[80] Cold Hearted
[80] Deemed Worthy
[80] Making a Harness
[80] The Last of Her Kind
- Side quest:
[80] The Slithering Darkness
- Side quest:
[80] The Warm-Up
[80] Into the Pit
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Back to the Pit
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] Prepare for Glory
[80] Lok'lira's Parting Gift
[80] The Drakkensryd
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Maintaining Discipline
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] Sibling Rivalry
[80] Mending Fences (+28,600 The Sons of Hodir)
- Note: The chain continues from a dropped item: Slag Covered Metal (dropped by Stormforged Iron Giants). You should complete this quest before returning to Thorim.
[80] The Refiner's Fire
[80] A Spark of Hope (+28,600 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] Forging an Alliance (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
Mandatory side quest:[80] You Can't Miss Him (+97 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] Battling the Elements (+98 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Hot and Cold (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] A New Beginning
[80] Veranus
[80] Territorial Trespass
[80] Krolmir, Hammer of Storms (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
Mandatory side quest:[80] Jormuttar is Soo Fat... (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] In Memoriam (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] A Monument to the Fallen (+97 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Blowing Hodir's Horn (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] The Terrace of the Makers
[80] The Earthen Oath &
[80] Loken's Lackeys
[80] The Reckoning
[80D] Whatever it Takes! (+650 The Sons of Hodir) &
[80D] Diametrically Opposed