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Barkeep Daniels of Lakeshire needs a keg of Thunderbrew Lager, a cask of Merlot, a bottle of Moonshine and a skin of Sweet Rum.


I find myself in quite a pinch here, <name>. The bottles are close to running dry. The latest booze shipment is long overdue. The orc invasion has been hell. Perhaps you can go to work for me? I need you to pick up a keg of Thunderbrew Lager from Grimbooze Thunderbrew in the Westfall hills, a cask of Merlot from Stormwind, a bottle of Moonshine from Darkshire and a skin of Sweet Rum from Goldshire. Bring those back to me and I will see to it you are rewarded.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc bag 10 blue


I need you to pick up a keg of Thunderbrew Lager from Grimbooze Thunderbrew in the Westfall hills, a cask of Merlot from Stormwind, a bottle of Moonshine from Darkshire and a skin of Sweet Rum from Goldshire.  Bring those back to me and I will see to it you are rewarded.


A job well done, <name>!  I know well the roads you had to journey to procure this fine array of liquor.  But my patrons will be happy once again! My wife is quite a seamstress.  Please accept this cloak she made in return for your services.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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