Listen to the Fallen Hero of the Horde tell his story.
- The Tale of Sorrow
Hear my story, <race>.
As a spirit, I am powerless, <name>. Assist me. Allow me to regain my honor.
- 675XP
Quest progression[]
This is part of the You Are Rakh'likh, Demon quest chain.
Horde precursors[]
[50] Fall From Grace
[50] The Disgraced One
[50] The Missing Orders
[55] The Swamp Talker
Alliance precursors[]
[57] Petty Squabbles
[57] A Tale of Sorrow
Neutral quests[]
[57] The Stones That Bind Us
- A short aside, unlocked by completing the above:
[57] Heroes of Old
[57] Heroes of Old
- A short aside, unlocked by completing the above:
[58] Kirith
[60] The Cover of Darkness
[60] The Demon Hunter
[57] Loramus
[58] Breaking the Ward
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58G] Azsharite
[58] The Formation of Felbane
[58] Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry
[58] Return to the Blasted Lands
[60G] Uniting the Shattered Amulet
[60G] You Are Rakh'likh, Demon