Gather 40 Blackrock Bracers and acquire a Flask of Supreme Power. Return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.
Provided Item:
We're nearly there, <class>. All that is left is to retrieve a few more components so that I can attune the brazier and enable it to beckon forth Lord Valthalak.
To begin I must ask you to journey forth into Blackrock Spire and slay the orcs therein. They wear bracers that contain trace metals that I will need, so I'll need more than a few to extract the right amount out of them. Then, to complete the imbuing process, you'll need to bring me a Flask of Supreme Power.
Good luck, <name>!
We've come a long way, <name>, and I just wanted to say that no matter what happens, thank you! You've put yourself in mortal danger to try to help the surviving members of our mercenary company, The Veiled Blade, and as far as I'm concerned, you're one of us now.
That's it then. I'll extract the metal from the bracers and imbue the brazier with these final components. Then it will be ready for you to summon Lord Valthalak, and finally return his spirit amulet to him.
You've come quite a distance, <name>, don't falter now that the end is in sight!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 9550 XP (or a 57
compensation at level 80)
- This is the eighth step in the quest chain to upgrade your Dungeon Set 1 Helm and Chestpiece into Dungeon Set 2.
- The bracers drop off the orcs in both Lower Blackrock Spire and Upper Blackrock Spire. The drop rate is higher for the orcs in Upper Blackrock Spire.
Quest progression[]
[60] An Earnest Proposition (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] A Supernatural Device (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] The Ectoplasmic Distiller
[60] Hunting for Ectoplasm
[60] A Portable Power Source
[60] A Shifty Merchant
[60] Return to Deliana /
[60] Return to Mokvar
[60] Just Compensation (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] In Search of Anthion (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] Dead Man's Plea
[60] Proof of Life
[60] Anthion's Strange Request
[60] Anthion's Old Friend
[60] Falrin's Vendetta
[60] The Instigator's Enchantment
[60] The Challenge
[60] Anthion's Parting Words (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] Bodley's Unfortunate Fate (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] Three Kings of Flame
[60] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
[60] Final Preparations
[60] Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
[60] Return to Bodley
[60] Back to the Beginning (Alliance) / (Horde)
[60] Saving the Best for Last (Alliance) / (Horde)