A Soul Font.
Quetz'lun's Spirit has tasked you with the destruction of 12 trolls, either Quetz'lun Worshippers or Serpent-Touched Berserkers, near her Soul Fonts.
Only after you have accomplished this should you return to her at the Altar of Quetz'lun.
- Trolls killed near a Soul Font (12)
I have something special planned for my favorite high priests. But first you get to prove yourself in laying the foundation for my revenge.
You do still want to live, yes?
As you have seen, my devotees are enjoying their stay here, but now it's time for them to make final restitution.
Do me the smallest of favors if you would, <name>. Lure them near my soul fonts and then put an end to their existences.
They taste so delicious, and their sacrifice will not go in vain, I can assure you.
Why do you return when your task is not yet complete? Do you not realize that I can destroy you with but a thought?
Go now, little <race>. Complete that which I commanded of you!
Exquisite. Perhaps you will be of some use after all.

A troll afflicted by a Soul Font.
- The trolls afflicted by the Soul Font has a purple glow around them, as shown in the image to the right.
- If you inflict more damage than half their health whilst they are too far from the stone, you may not receive credit for the kill. This may be an issue for higher level characters completing at Level 80 for achievements.
Quest progression[]
[76] Strange Mojo
[76] Precious Elemental Fluids
- Side quest:
[76] The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!
- Side quest:
[76] Mushroom Mixer
- Side quest:
[76] Gluttonous Lurkers
- Side quest:
[76] Too Much of a Good Thing
[77] To the Witch Doctor
[77] Breaking Through Jin'Alai
[77] To Speak With Har'koa
[77] But First My Offspring
[77] Spirit of Rhunok
[77] My Prophet, My Enemy
[77] An End to the Suffering
[77] Back to Har'koa
[77] I Sense a Disturbance
[77] Preparations for the Underworld
[77] Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess
[77] Setting the Stage
[77] Foundation for Revenge
[77] Hell Hath a Fury
[77] One Last Thing
[77] Blood of a Dead God
[77] You Reap What You Sow
[77] The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
- Side quest:
[77] Enchanted Tiki Warriors
- Side quest:
[77] Wooly Justice
- Side quest:
[77] Hexed Caches
- Side quest:
[77] Rampage
[77G3] The Gods Have Spoken
[78G3] Convocation at Zol'Heb
[78] Unfinished Business
[78D] Gal'darah Must Pay