Deliver 5 Basilisk Crystals to Alchemist Finklestein in the shrine at Heb'Valok.
- Basilisk Crystals (5)
My master, Finklestein, is in the shrine at Heb'Valok to the northwest preparing a truth serum, and he needs basilisk crystals. Heb'Valok is on the west side of the road leading north before the Altar of Sseratus.
There are basilisks to the east at Drak'Agal.
If you grab the Zul'Drak rats and throw them at the basilisk, they will become gorged and docile after eating five. Then you'll be able to take their crystals.
Killing the basilisk won't do you any good. That'd just break its crystals!
What's all this?
By any chance have you seen my no-good apprentice, Pestlepot?
I sent him on an errand quite some time ago and he has yet to return!
Oh, most excellent! Thank you. The crystals appear to be in fine condition!
I have no doubt that Pestlepot put you up to doing his chores for him. Nevertheless, your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated!
Quest progression[]
[76] Strange Mojo
[76] Precious Elemental Fluids
- Side quest:
[76] The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!
- Side quest:
[76] Mushroom Mixer
[76] Too Much of a Good Thing
[77] To the Witch Doctor
[77] Breaking Through Jin'Alai
[77] To Speak With Har'koa
[77] But First My Offspring
[77] Spirit of Rhunok
[77] My Prophet, My Enemy
[77] An End to the Suffering
[77] Back to Har'koa
[77] I Sense a Disturbance
[77] Preparations for the Underworld
[77] Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess
[77] Setting the Stage
[77] Foundation for Revenge
[77] Hell Hath a Fury
[77] One Last Thing
[77] Blood of a Dead God
[77] You Reap What You Sow
[77] The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
- Side quest:
[77] Enchanted Tiki Warriors
- Side quest:
[77] Wooly Justice
- Side quest:
[77] Hexed Caches
- Side quest:
[77] Rampage
[77G3] The Gods Have Spoken
[78G3] Convocation at Zol'Heb
[78] Unfinished Business
[78D] Gal'darah Must Pay