Quest text[]
Primalist Mulfort in Wintergrasp wants you to retrieve 10 Alliance Herb Pouches from Alliance players at the Steppe of Life.
So many of our braves were lost during the battle, but even more shall die if left untreated.
Travel to the Steppe of Life in southwestern Wintergrasp. I have need of the roses that grow there for salve to treat the wounded.
Sadly, the rose has become scarce due to the Alliance harvesting it too rapidly. Slay them on the Steppe of Life and retrieve their herb pouches from the bodies.
If that fails, perhaps a lasher or two might be in bloom.
Were you able to recover the herbs? The sick and wounded increase by the hour.
Thank you, this will go far to treat our soldier's wounds.
- 7
at level 80)
- 10
[Stone Keeper's Shard]
- The
Alliance counterpart to this quest is
[80] A Rare Herb.
- As of patch 3.2.0, Mature Lashers now also drop
[Alliance Herb Pouch].
External links[]
- First