Speak with Ranger Sallina - the Hunter class trainer - inside the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle.
As you advance within your class, you will want to take advantage of the training that your class trainer can provide you. For young hunters here on Sunstrider Isle, your trainer is Ranger Sallina. Speak with Sallina and see what training she has available for you. The things she will teach do have a cost, so bring some coin with you.
Sallina - as with all the trainers on Sunstrider Isle - is inside the Sunspire on the lower level.
<name>, are your eyes keen as a hawk's, your motions as fluid as a monkey's, or your speed that of a cheetah? Mine are, and yours can be too with the proper training. The way of the hunter is one of mastery over the beasts of the world, an unparalleled precision in marksmanship, and the knowledge of how to survive in situations where others would perish.
If these are the things that you seek to learn, then I will train you - for a small fee, of course. Shall we begin?
- 40 XP
- 75 reputation with Silvermoon City
Quest Progression[]
[1] Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
- One of the following, depending on class:
[1] Hunter Training
[1] Mage Training
[1] Paladin Training
[1] Priest Training
[1] Rogue Training
[1] Warlock Training
[2] Well Watcher Solanian
[4] Solanian's Belongings