Har'koa has asked you to determine what has happened to Quetz'lun. Speak to her to be able to ride one of her children stealthily into the Altar of Quetz'lun.
Return to her at the Altar of Har'koa once you have done so.
- Quetz'lun's fate revealed.
There's something wrong with Quetz'lun, the wind serpent goddess. What it is exactly I cannot sense, but I do know that her altar has been overrun with powerful creatures.
I'm going to send you there on the back of one of my children, which you saved. The two of you will move swiftly and with great stealth to uncover what has become of Quetz'lun.
My child will see you safely back to me. Just keep your eyes open.
When you are ready, ask and I will call one of my kittens for you.
What seems to be the delay, <name>?
Thank you for bringing my kitten back safely. Deep down I knew it. I wanted to deny it, but your eyes have revealed the truth.
Nevertheless, I sense something else. All is not as it seems.
Speaking to Har'koa again will summon a Har'kos's Kitten, which will guide you to the Altar of Quetz'lun.
Great and powerful Har'koa, please call for one of your children that it might stealthily carry me into the Altar of Quetz'lun.
- Har'kos's Kitten whispers: Thank you for saving me, <name>. This is the least that I could do to return the favor. Hold on tight. Here we go.
- Both you and the kitten are invisible. The kitten starts running at a swift clip.
- The two of you head north, then turn west toward the Altar of Quetz'lun.
- Har'kos's Kitten whispers: This doesn't look good. Whatever you do, don't fall off. There's a ton of nasty things in there!
- You travel to the steps of the altar itself, where you see the Prophet of Quetz'lun standing over Quetz'lun's dead body.
- Har'kos's Kitten whispers: Oh no... Quetz'lun is dead! Stay still. We'll sneak past the prophet.
- You sneak (slowly) around Quetz'lun's body ... right in front of the Prophet.
- Prophet of Quetz'lun yells: What was that? I sense an intruder. Find and kill them!
- Har'kos's Kitten whispers: We're spotted! Hang on. We have to get out of here!
- ...Which is your signal to start racing out of there, still invisible. As you turn south, the Kitten feels more confident.
- Har'kos's Kitten whispers: I think we're safe now. Let's get back!
- And on returning to Har'koa, you dismount and bid the kitten fare well.
- Har'kos's Kitten whispers: We made it! Take care, <name>, and thanks again!
Quest progression[]
[76] Strange Mojo
[76] Precious Elemental Fluids
- Side quest:
[76] The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!
- Side quest:
[76] Mushroom Mixer
- Side quest:
[76] Gluttonous Lurkers
- Side quest:
[76] Too Much of a Good Thing
[77] To the Witch Doctor
[77] Breaking Through Jin'Alai
[77] To Speak With Har'koa
[77] But First My Offspring
[77] Spirit of Rhunok
[77] My Prophet, My Enemy
[77] An End to the Suffering
[77] Back to Har'koa
[77] I Sense a Disturbance
[77] Preparations for the Underworld
[77] Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess
[77] Setting the Stage
[77] Foundation for Revenge
[77] Hell Hath a Fury
[77] One Last Thing
[77] Blood of a Dead God
[77] You Reap What You Sow
[77] The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
- Side quest:
[77] Enchanted Tiki Warriors
- Side quest:
[77] Wooly Justice
- Side quest:
[77] Hexed Caches
- Side quest:
[77] Rampage
[77G3] The Gods Have Spoken
[78G3] Convocation at Zol'Heb
[78] Unfinished Business
[78D] Gal'darah Must Pay