Prince Valanar at Death's Breach commands you to slay 10 Scarlet Crusaders or Scarlet Peasants and 10 Citizens of Havenshire.
- Scarlet Crusader slain: (10)
- Citizen of Havenshire slain: (10)
They make their stand now, outside of Death's Breach, futilely attempting to push us back in hopes of saving their horses, mines, lumber and citizens.
This will be your first lesson in Scourge warfare: TERROR!
Go to the front lines, south of here, and destroy Scarlet Crusaders. Leave their corpses so that we may utilize them for the death march.
But most importantly: kill the fleeing villagers. Soldiers dying are an affordance, but villagers? That is what strikes fear into the hearts of man.
You will receive: 85, 1 bonus talent and
[Valanar's Signet Ring]
This is the opening sonata, death knight. The Scourge death march begins with the eradication of the front lines.
Do you feel it, <name>? That sensation is raw power coursing through your body. Such a thing cannot exist for mortals.
The front lines are now dismantled. The geist will finish the job and prepare the grounds for Razuvious. We turn our attention now to more practical targets.
Valid "Scarlet Crusader" targets include: Scarlet Peasant, Scarlet Medic, Scarlet Captain, Scarlet Infantryman. Citizens of Havenshire flee to New Avalon, which is empty for this phase of the chain, and will despawn upon reaching either the Scarlet Hold or the New Avalon Town Hall.
Quest progression[]
[55] In Service Of The Lich King
[55] The Emblazoned Runeblade
[55] Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
[55] The Endless Hunger
[55] The Eye Of Acherus
[55] Death Comes From On High
[55] The Might Of The Scourge
[55] Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor
[55] The Scarlet Harvest
[55] If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold The Reins
- Side quest:
[55] Grand Theft Palomino &
[55] Into the Realm of Shadows
- Side quest:
[55] Tonight We Dine In Havenshire
- Side quest:
[55] Death's Challenge
- Side quest:
[55] Abandoned Mail
- Side quest:
[55] Gothik the Harvester
[55] The Gift That Keeps On Giving
[55] An Attack Of Opportunity
[55] Massacre At Light's Point
[55] Victory At Death's Breach!
[55] The Will Of The Lich King
- Side quest:
[55] The Power Of Blood, Frost And Unholy
- Side quest:
[55] The Crypt of Remembrance
- Side quest:
[55] The Plaguebringer's Request &
[55] Noth's Special Brew &
[55] More Skulls For Brew
- Side quest:
[55] Nowhere To Run And Nowhere To Hide &
[55] Lambs To The Slaughter
[55] How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies
[55] Behind Scarlet Lines
[55] The Path Of The Righteous Crusader,
[55] Brothers In Death
[55] Bloody Breakout
[55] A Cry For Vengeance!
[55] A Special Surprise
[55] A Sort Of Homecoming
[55] Ambush At The Overlook
[55] A Meeting With Fate
[55] The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges
[55] Scarlet Armies Approach...
[55] The Scarlet Apocalypse
[55] An End To All Things...
[55] The Lich King's Command
[55] The Light of Dawn
[55] Taking Back Acherus
[55] The Battle For The Ebon Hold
[55] Where Kings Walk or
[55] Saurfang's Blessing
External links[]
Misión:Cuando llegue el caos, deja que el sufrimiento tome las riendas