Speak with Hugh Glass and Gavrock about Loken, then report your findings to Scout Vor'takh at Camp Oneqwah.
- Hugh Glass Questioned
- Gavrock Questioned
The iron dwarves stand as one of the fiercest and most coordinated foes in Northrend. Wherever we have traveled, they have battled us with the name of Loken on their lips.
We must learn who this Loken is and what he seeks. The locals may be of help.
To the northeast, at the Redwood Trading Post, a human named Hugh Glass peddles his wares. Further east, at the Ruins of Tethys, you'll find a stone giant named Gavrock. Ask them about this Loken. They've got to know something of use.
So he is the mastermind behind the iron dwarves? We must find out what he has been ordering the iron dwarves of Dun Argol to do.
Quest progression[]
[75] The Damaged Journal
[75] Deciphering the Journal
[75] The Runic Prophecies
[75] Pounding the Iron
[75] In the Name of Loken
[75] The Overseer's Shadow
[75] Cultivating an Image
[75] Loken's Orders