This quest is part of the main Blasted Lands quest chain.
Find out what became of Lieutenant Kirith.
As one chapter of your adventure closes, another one begins, <name>.
One of my men is still unaccounted for, lost somewhere in the Blasted Lands. I am talking about Lieutenant Kirith, of course.
As I had mentioned earlier, we were both imprisoned and tortured by Allistarj, but poor Kirith, his strength of will faltered. I could hear the experiments from my cage; the tortured screams rang through the halls of the cave. That was the last I saw or heard of Kirith.
Trebor? Trebor sent you?
- 6200 XP
- 3
or 54
at Level 80
- One towards
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
- One towards
3000 Quests Completed (or the earlier ones, if not completed)
For this quest, you need to kill Kirith the Damned, a giant ghostly felhound in the Serpent's Coil in the eastern part of the Blasted Lands. He's at the very back of the cave.
See also[]
- Kirith the Damned for combat strategies
Quest progression[]
This is part of the You Are Rakh'likh, Demon quest chain.
Horde precursors[]
[50] Fall From Grace
[50] The Disgraced One
[50] The Missing Orders
[55] The Swamp Talker
Alliance precursors[]
[57] Petty Squabbles
[57] A Tale of Sorrow
Neutral quests[]
[57] The Stones That Bind Us
- A short aside, unlocked by completing the above:
[57] Heroes of Old
[57] Heroes of Old
- A short aside, unlocked by completing the above:
[58] Kirith
[60] The Cover of Darkness
[60] The Demon Hunter
[57] Loramus
[58] Breaking the Ward
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58] The Name of the Beast
[58G] Azsharite
[58] The Formation of Felbane
[58] Enchanted Azsharite Fel Weaponry
[58] Return to the Blasted Lands
[60G] Uniting the Shattered Amulet
[60G] You Are Rakh'likh, Demon