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Speak with Earthbinder Tavgren just outside the Cenarion Thicket in Terokkar Forest.


<name>, after you're done celebrating here, I think that you should go back to the Cenarion Thicket and speak with Earthbinder Tavgren.

I'm certain that he'll want to know what really happened out there.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv crown 01
Inv helmet 18
Inv chest leather 10
Inv pants 07

You will also receive 8g 70s.


A bomb utilizing pure mana that can take out whole towns! But why? Why would the blood elves create such a thing and use it on us? The Cenarion Thicket was a place of peace and repose.

Whatever the reason, it must be locked inside the head of Warden Treelos, and I have no idea how to cure him. Perhaps his mind will heal in time?

Regardless, I want to thank you for helping me to figure out what happened. I can only hope that this tragedy will never befall anyone else ever again!

Quest progression[]

You are first directed to Cenarion Thicket and Earthbinder Tavgren:

This is not a prerequisite.

  1. The quest line formally starts with both:
  2. N [63] By Any Means Necessary
  3. N [63] Wind Trader Lathrai
  4. N [64] A Personal Favor
  5. N [64] Investigate Tuurem
  6. A [64] What Are These Things? or H [64] What Are These Things?
  7. A [64] Report to the Allerian Post or H [64] Report to Stonebreaker Camp
  8. A [64] Attack on Firewing Point or H [64] Attack on Firewing Point
  9. A [65] The Final Code or H [65] The Final Code
  10. A [63] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know or H [63] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know