Equip your lance and mount the Stabled Sunreaver Hawkstrider. Speak to Valis Windchaser and use Shield-Breaker on 2 vulnerable Ranged Targets, then return to Galathia Brightdawn at the Argent Tournament Grounds.
- Valis Windchaser's advice
- Use Shield-Breaker on vulnerable Ranged Target (2)
You'll need to learn how to break through an opponent's defenses to succeed in mounted combat. Take this lance and mount the stabled Sunreaver hawkstrider just outside the pavilion.
Once you're mounted, seek out Valis Windchaser. He'll be on the northern edge of the tournament grounds at the training area east of the Aspirants' Ring. Valis will teach you the basics of using a ranged shield breaker attack to make a ranged target vulnerable.
Commit Valis's lesson to memory, <name>. It will mean the difference between winning and losing your mounted combat matches.
Quest progression[]
[80] The Argent Tournament
[80] Mastery Of Melee
[80] Mastery Of The Charge
[80] Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker
[80] Up To The Challenge and complete the daily quests listed below to earn enough [Aspirant's Seals] to continue. (15 seals at 5 per day)
[80 Daily] A Blade Fit For A Champion -or- The Edge Of Winter -or- A Worthy Weapon
[80 Daily] Training In The Field
[80 Daily] Learning The Reins
[80] The Aspirant's Challenge
- Players will be offered one of these quests based on their race:
[80] A Valiant Of Silvermoon
[80] A Valiant Of Undercity
[80] A Valiant Of Orgrimmar
[80] A Valiant Of Thunder Bluff
[80] A Valiant Of Sen'jin
[80] The Valiant's Charge and complete the daily quests listed below to earn enough [Valiant's Seals] to continue. (25 seals at 5 per day)
[80 Daily] A Blade Fit For A Champion -or- The Edge Of Winter -or- A Worthy Weapon
[80 Daily] A Valiant's Field Training
[80 Daily] The Grand Melee
[80 Daily] At The Enemy's Gates
[80] The Valiant's Challenge
[80] A Champion Rises
After completing "The Valiant's Challenge", the following quests open up allowing players to repeat the valiant stage of daily quests (steps six and seven) for the other factions with which they have not yet earned the right to champion:
[80] Valiant Of Silvermoon
[80] Valiant Of Undercity
[80] Valiant Of Orgrimmar
[80] Valiant Of Thunder Bluff
[80] Valiant Of Sen'jin