Part of the Reinforcing Redridge quest chain correspondence quests.
Magistrate Solomon wants you to take his written plea to Gryan Stoutmantle in Westfall.
Quest text[]
Something odd is afoot with the Stormwind Army. They should have been here in force by now. Time is a luxury we don't have, however. I will not stand by and watch the people of Lakeshire give their lives without trying to enlist more help. I've heard word of a people's militia forming in Westfall.
Take this plea to their leader, Gryan Stoutmantle. Perhaps Stoutmantle's men can lend some support here until the King sends reserves.
- [Solomon's Plea to Westfall] (Provided)
Good Messenger, you have served your master well.
- 50-490 XP
Quest progression[]
[14] Messenger to Stormwind
[14] Messenger to Stormwind
[14] Messenger to Westfall
[14] Messenger to Westfall
[18] Messenger to Darkshire
[18] Messenger to Darkshire