Mildred the Cruel is part of The Sons of Hodir quest chain.
Speak to Mildred the Cruel inside the Forlorn Mine.
Our deal is made then, <name>. You help me get out of these chains and I'll help you find your little green friend.
The Hyldnir who runs this mine is known as Mildred the Cruel -- and with good reason.
Tell her you've been sent to lend a hand with the mines. Do whatever she asks until she trusts you with the keys to my shackles.
I was expecting a replacement for one of my overseers. It's about time you showed up.
Let's put you to work.
That overseer would by Syra, who you recently killed.
Quest progression[]
[79] They Took Our Men!
- Side quest:
[79] Equipment Recovery
- Side quest:
[79] Leave No Goblin Behind
[79] The Crone's Bargain
[79] Mildred the Cruel
[79] Discipline
[79] Examples to be Made
[79] A Certain Prisoner
[79] A Change of Scenery
[80] Is That Your Goblin?
[80] The Hyldsmeet
[80] Taking on All Challengers
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Defending Your Title
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] You'll Need a Bear
[80] Going Bearback
[80] Cold Hearted
[80] Deemed Worthy
[80] Making a Harness
[80] The Last of Her Kind
- Side quest:
[80] The Slithering Darkness
- Side quest:
[80] The Warm-Up
[80] Into the Pit
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Back to the Pit
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] Prepare for Glory
[80] Lok'lira's Parting Gift
[80] The Drakkensryd
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Maintaining Discipline
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] Sibling Rivalry
[80] Mending Fences (+28,600 The Sons of Hodir)
- Note: The chain continues from a dropped item: Slag Covered Metal (dropped by Stormforged Iron Giants). You should complete this quest before returning to Thorim.
[80] The Refiner's Fire
[80] A Spark of Hope (+28,600 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] Forging an Alliance (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
Mandatory side quest:[80] You Can't Miss Him (+97 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] Battling the Elements (+98 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Hot and Cold (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] A New Beginning
[80] Veranus
[80] Territorial Trespass
[80] Krolmir, Hammer of Storms (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
Mandatory side quest:[80] Jormuttar is Soo Fat... (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] In Memoriam (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
[80] A Monument to the Fallen (+97 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80 Daily] Blowing Hodir's Horn (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
- Prerequisite for daily:
[80] The Terrace of the Makers
[80] The Earthen Oath &
[80] Loken's Lackeys
[80] The Reckoning
[80D] Whatever it Takes! (+650 The Sons of Hodir) &
[80D] Diametrically Opposed