Mudrock Soup and Bugs could be the next big dish at inns in Stormwind City.
Bring 8 Forked Mudrock Tongues to Morgan Stern in Theramore.
I'm working on a dish I call "Mudrock Soup and Bugs." I still need the major ingredients, and... well, I don't think I'd last long trudging through Dustwallow Marsh!
So, <name>, can you do some hunting for me? First, I need the tongues of Mudrock turtles. You can find Mudrocks along the coast, mostly around the bay.
But I don't want just any tongues! I hear that the tongues of some Mudrocks are forked...
They say the forked tongues have a distinct flavor, and I want that flavor in my dish...
Did you get the forked tongues?
These will do fine! Thank you, <name>!
Now I'll try different cooking techniques on these tongues to find the best way to bring out their flavor.
Eventually I'll have a dish worthy of serving at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind!
The tongues drop from the various Mudrock turtles along the coast. The droprate is not extremely high but they do drop sellable grey items, [Turtle Meat], and can be skinned for [Heavy Leather].
Quest progression[]
[38] Morgan Stern
[38] Mudrock Soup and Bugs
[40] ... and Bugs