Collect 10 Muddlecap Fungus and deliver them to Hexxer Ubungo at The Argent Stand.
[Muddlecap Fungus] (10)
Now what we need is something to spike the mojo with. Something that'll make it so that when the prophet drinks it, he'll become less powerful.
Drak'Agal lies to the east. There's a mushroom there that the natives call muddlecap fungus. I think it's exactly what we need.
Bring back lots of them. When we mix them into the mojo, the mind of anyone who drinks it will become muddled.
Do you have all of the fungus?
Oh, and watch out for the basilisks lurking over there.
<The hexxer nods his approval.>
Hand that fungus over and I'll mix it up with the mojo and elemental lord fluids.
Pick up [76] Gluttonous Lurkers before heading out.
Quest progression[]
[76] Strange Mojo
[76] Precious Elemental Fluids
- Side quest:
[76] The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!
- Side quest:
[76] Mushroom Mixer
- Side quest:
[76] Gluttonous Lurkers
- Side quest:
[76] Too Much of a Good Thing
[77] To the Witch Doctor
[77] Breaking Through Jin'Alai
[77] To Speak With Har'koa
[77] But First My Offspring
[77] Spirit of Rhunok
[77] My Prophet, My Enemy
[77] An End to the Suffering
[77] Back to Har'koa
[77] I Sense a Disturbance
[77] Preparations for the Underworld
[77] Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess
[77] Setting the Stage
[77] Foundation for Revenge
[77] Hell Hath a Fury
[77] One Last Thing
[77] Blood of a Dead God
[77] You Reap What You Sow
[77] The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
- Side quest:
[77] Enchanted Tiki Warriors
- Side quest:
[77] Wooly Justice
- Side quest:
[77] Hexed Caches
- Side quest:
[77] Rampage
[77G3] The Gods Have Spoken
[78G3] Convocation at Zol'Heb
[78] Unfinished Business
[78D] Gal'darah Must Pay