Follow the ridge east and deliver the pack of explosives to Xink at Nozzlerust Post in northern Dragonblight.
[Pack of Nozzlerust Explosives] (provided)
Upon closer examination, the goblin appears to have been running a pack full of explosives across the wastes for delivery. The harpy feathers half-buried in the snow suggest how he met his ill fate.
It appears that the goblin was bringing the explosives towards the Wrathgate from somewhere to the east. It seems most prudent to follow the ridge back to the east and inform the sender of their runner's fate.
Hello there!
Hah! We lost another one, eh? Those harpies are becoming a real nuisance.
No matter! There's work to be done. Lend a hand around here, will ya?
The Supply Runner is at
[48.4, 24.2]just south of Coldwind Heights and Kor'kron Vanguard in the northern reaches of The Dragon Wastes in Dragonblight.
Quest progression[]
[74] Return to Sender (optional)
[74] Stocking Up