Give Mokvar your Dungeon Set 1 Helm and Dungeon Set 1 Chestpiece.
A truly amazing story, <name>! You have my thanks, and the heartfelt gratitude of all who were involved, I can assure you. Through your efforts we are delivered from the mistakes of our past.
As to your reward, I believe I have a few things that you have definitely earned and will truly enjoy.
Are you ready to give me your Dungeon Set 1 pieces in exchange for your new Dungeon Set 2 Helm and Dungeon Set 2 Chestpiece?
I will truly miss you, <name>. There is a debt that I owe you, which I may never be able to repay.
Enjoy your new head and chest armor. May it protect you for a long time to come, and help you to achieve even greater honor!
You will receive (depending on class):
- Druid:
[Feralheart Cowl],
[Feralheart Vest]
- Hunter:
[Beastmaster's Cap],
[Beastmaster's Tunic]
- Mage:
[Sorcerer's Crown],
[Sorcerer's Robes]
- Paladin:
[Soulforge Helm],
[Soulforge Breastplate]
- Priest:
[Virtuous Crown],
[Virtuous Robe]
- Rogue:
[Darkmantle Cap],
[Darkmantle Tunic]
- Shaman:
[Coif of The Five Thunders],
[Vest of The Five Thunders]
- Warlock:
[Deathmist Mask],
[Deathmist Robe]
- Warrior:
[Helm of Heroism],
[Breastplate of Heroism]
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 2380 XP (or a 14
compensation at level 80)
- This is the twelfth step in the quest chain to upgrade your Dungeon Set 1 Helm and Chestpiece into Dungeon Set 2.
Quest progression[]
[60] An Earnest Proposition (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] A Supernatural Device (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] The Ectoplasmic Distiller
[60] Hunting for Ectoplasm
[60] A Portable Power Source
[60] A Shifty Merchant
[60] Return to Mokvar /
[60] Return to Deliana
[60] Just Compensation (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] In Search of Anthion (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] Dead Man's Plea
[60] Proof of Life
[60] Anthion's Strange Request
[60] Anthion's Old Friend
[60] Falrin's Vendetta
[60] The Instigator's Enchantment
[60] The Challenge
[60] Anthion's Parting Words (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] Bodley's Unfortunate Fate (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] Three Kings of Flame
[60] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
[60] Final Preparations
[60] Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
[60] Return to Bodley
[60] Back to the Beginning (Horde) / (Alliance)
[60] Saving the Best for Last (Horde) / (Alliance)
External links[]
Druid | Hunter | Mage |
Paladin | Priest | Rogue |
Shaman | Warlock | Warrior |