This quest is part of the The Prophecy of Velen quest chain. This quest chain starts with [9] The Prophecy of Velen
Admiral Odesyus at Odesyus' Landing wants you to recover the Traitor's Communication from Engineer "Spark" Overgrind.
Spark must be brought to justice!
I need you to go down to the beach and find that deceitful gnome. Once you find him, get whatever information you can out of him!
If a high-ranking official of the Alliance has committed treasonous acts, who knows how many others are corrupt?
And <name>, use force if you have to...
Did you find the lying dog?
Incredible! This was all part of their master plan!
This information must reach the king and your own leaders. The implications are staggering.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 775 XP (or 4
at level 70)
- 500 reputation with Exodar
Quest progression[]
[8] The Prophecy of Velen
[7] A Small Start
[9] I've Got a Plant
[9] Tree's Company
[9] Show Gnomercy
[9] Deliver Them From Evil...