Lurielle at the Frozen Glade wants you to kill 10 Thornvine Creepers.
- Thornvine Creeper slain: (10)
The glade to the west has been transformed into a hideous place called the Twisted Glade. Horrible beasts dwell among the trees, stones, and pool of the glade.
I cannot guess where the creatures came from or what horrible forces animate them, but they must be dealt with!
I fear that if they are allowed to dominate the glade, they will poison it beyond redemption. Clear the glade of these creatures who murdered our sisters.
Have you seen the horrors of the Twisted Glade for yourself?
You have done well, <name>. If we'd had allies like you when the land first began to change, perhaps we might have been able to preserve some of what we've lost.
Quest progression[]
[70] The Enigmatic Frost Nymphs or
[70] The Frozen Glade (both optional)
[71] Spirits of the Ice
[71] Wild Vines
[71] The Fallen Sisters
[71] Spawn of the Twisted Glade
- optional:
[71] Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers
- optional:
[71] Keeper Witherleaf