This quest is part of the Strange Alliance quest chain. This quest chain starts with [35] Strange Allianceω τ ϖ
Bring 6 bags of Crudely Dried Meat to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village.
[Crudely Dried Meat] (6)
- Gelkis Clan Centaur (Friendly)
When we are not at war, we hunt for meat. Meat gives us strength, and full bellies fight harder than empty ones.
It is the same with the Magram. They store extra meat so they may fight longer between hunts. If you raid their village to the east and take their stores of meat, then their strength will fail.
Return after you further prove your worth to the Gelkis!
Good. I can hear the loud Magram bellies grumble from their village, far away!
I will give this meat to the Gelkis. And we will fight for many days without rest.
What you did is good for the Gelkis, <name>.
- 1650 XP
Quest Progression[]
[35] Strange Alliance /
[33] Gelkis Alliance
[32] Raid on the Kolkar
[35] Stealing Supplies
[37] Ongeku
[37] Khan Jehn
[42] Khan Hratha