Report to Crusader Valus at Light's Trust in Dragonblight.
<class>! The Argent Crusade is looking for able bodied soldiers that are willing to set aside their differences and join forces to battle the forces of the Lich King. Will you take up our cause?
Should you be interested, venture north to Light's Trust and speak with Crusader Valus.
You will find Light's Trust amidst the ruins of the sacked troll city of Jintha'kalar - bordering Zul'Drak.
Mere footsteps from here lies the Drakkari empire.
<Valus points east.>
For thousands of years the Drakkari remained isolated, preferring to keep within the boundaries of their sprawling temple cities and ziggurats. It was surprising then, to come upon this wreckage. Further up, beyond the foreboding stairs leading into Zul'Drak, Drak'Tharon Keep lies in ruin. The entire first tier of Zul'Drak, destroyed...
Why has the Scourge waited until now to attack?
- 5200 XP (or 2
compensation at level 80)
- 25 reputation with Argent Crusade
Quest progression[]
[74] The Call Of The Crusade
[74] The Cleansing Of Jintha'kalar