Take Ar'tor's Lockbox to Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok's Farm in Shadowmoon Valley.
I thank you, hero. For without you, my spirit would forever remain in this cursed place.
<Ar'tor hands you a spectral lockbox.>
Take it and deliver it to my father at the farm, far to the northeast, above Coilskar Cistern... Inside are Lohn'goron and the second part of the cipher.
He will be sad to hear news of my death. Promise me that you will assure him that I died a free soul. Tell him that I see the hunting grounds and they are glorious. Tell him that I wait for him there...
<Oronok wipes the tear away and smiles at you.>
Thank you. I promise you, hero, a song of honor will be written in your name.
3 75
, plus one of the following:
Quest progression[]
[70] The Hand of Gul'dan /
[70] The Hand of Gul'dan
[70] Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth
[70] Enraged Spirits of Water
[70] Enraged Spirits of Air
[70] Oronok Torn-heart
[70] I Was A Lot Of Things...
[70] A Lesson Learned
[70] The Cipher of Damnation - Truth and History
- This opens up the search for the three parts of the key.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
[70] Ar'tor, Son of Oronok
[70] Demonic Crystal Prisons
[70] Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart
[70] The Cipher of Damnation - Ar'tor's Charge
[70] The Cipher of Damnation - The Second Fragment Recovered
- Part 3:
[70 G5] The Cipher of Damnation