Take Borak's Lockbox to Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok's Farm in Shadowmoon Valley.
Take this box to my father. He still resides at Oronok's Farm, far to the north, above Coilskar Cistern. When all three fragments are pieced together, the ancient words will be known once more.
Good luck, <name>. Tell my father that I will be home soon.
As soon as all three of the fragments of the cipher are together, the ancient words will be known.
Recovery of this fragment was no doubt challenging. You must be rewarded for such heroism
You will receive 3 75
and be allowed to choose one of the following:
Quest progression[]
[70] The Hand of Gul'dan /
[70] The Hand of Gul'dan
[70] Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth
[70] Enraged Spirits of Water
[70] Enraged Spirits of Air
[70] Oronok Torn-heart
[70] I Was A Lot Of Things...
[70] A Lesson Learned
[70] The Cipher of Damnation - Truth and History
- This opens up the search for the three parts of the key.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
[70] Borak, Son of Oronok
[70] Of Thistleheads and Eggs...
[70] The Bundle of Bloodthistle
[70] To Catch A Thistlehead
[70] The Shadowmoon Shuffle
[70] What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets...
[70 G4] The Cipher of Damnation - Borak's Charge
[70] The Cipher of Damnation - The Third Fragment Recovered
[70 G5] The Cipher of Damnation