Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok's Farm in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to listen to his story. Speak to Oronok to begin hearing his story.
Listen to:
- Oronok Torn-heart's story
<Oronok adjusts his posture and stands to his full height.>
I had to be sure, <name>. And to be sure, I had to test you. Please excuse the little masquerade. I am as much a farmer as you are <female/male>. Which is to say, not at all.
If you are to recover the Cipher of Damnation, you will need to listen to what I have to tell you. When you are ready, let me know and I will tell you the story.
- Very well. The words you seek have a name, <name>. They are known as the Cipher of Damnation: The words uttered by Gul'dan himself to shatter this land. The very spell that severed the last remaining ties the orcs had with the elements of Draenor.
- <Oronok nods>
- Aye, it is the cipher that you must reconstruct and ultimately the words of the cipher thay you must call.
- The Cipher of Damnation was kept in Gul'dan's private quarters inside Karabor for twenty years. Ah, that's right, you have no idea what Karabor is, do you?
- The Black Temple...
- Aye, now home to Illidan Stormrage.
- When Illidan took control of the Black Temple, he discovered the Cipher. He recognised that the damage to this world had already been done but thought it wise to keep the cipher secure for later use.
- When you stand at the Altar of Damnation and see the spirits of the damned, kneeling in prayer, what you do not see is me, standing next to Gul'dan.
- <Oronok nods>
- I told you that I was a lot of things, did i not? One of those 'things' was a lieutenant of Gul'dan.
- I have done many terrible things in my life. I have slaughtered man, woman and child alike. Danced in the blood of innocent draenei... yet...
- <Oronok chokes on his words>
- I will never forget that day, <race>. Never. Even though I had long since abandoned shamanism in favor of shadow magic, I felt the cut. A sense of loss so profound... I could not explain it to you with mere words.
- When the tie to the elements was severed, all orcs on Draenor changed. If there was ever any doubt in the power of the shadows, it was washed away with the cresting of the molten lava over the shattered earth.
- A wave of sickness rushed through me. After the ritual was over, I ran home to my children. I gathered what belongings I could carry in my arms and left with my boys. We ran to the hills and hid. There really was no other option...
- Not a day goes by that I don't think of the cut. It has taken 20 years to reconnect with the elements. It has taken 20 years for the elements to even begin to heal.
So what of the cipher now? And your boys?
- As I said, the cipher was found by Illidan when he took over the Black Temple. He divided the tome into three parts and charged their care to his minions.
- My boys... My boys are grown now. When I got word of what Illidan had done with the cipher, I sent my boys to recover the pieces.
- You must find my boys, <name>. You must find them and recover the Cipher of Damnation.
I will find your boys and the cipher, Oronok.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 1250 experience
- Access to the quest
[70] Grom'tor, Son of Oronok
- Access to the quest
[70] Ar'tor, Son of Oronok
- Access to the quest
[70] Borak, Son of Oronok
Quest progression[]
[70] The Hand of Gul'dan /
[70] The Hand of Gul'dan
[70] Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth
[70] Enraged Spirits of Water
[70] Enraged Spirits of Air
[70] Oronok Torn-heart
[70] I Was A Lot Of Things...
[70] A Lesson Learned
[70] The Cipher of Damnation - Truth and History
- This opens up the search for the three parts of the key.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
[70 G5] The Cipher of Damnation